After my fateful Easter weekend where I decided it was time to get my act together once and for all, I stumbled around the internet looking for resources and inspiration to help me along my path.
I discovered a blog called Steve v4.6, and it was the story of a guy that was roughly my height, roughly my age and roughly my starting weight, only he’d been getting after it for a year or so and was achieving great success. I backtracked through his entire story, followed his adventure step-by-step, day-by-day. I was mesmerized, and the exercise made me both want to lose weight and write about the experience.
There’s nothing very exciting about my day-to-day eating and workout regimen. I think that’s the reason why this blog gets as ridiculous as it does as often as it does. I’m just trying to entertain myself most days, trying to keep myself motivated and interested in staying in the center of the path.
It was more difficult early on, when I had to work hard on simply the leap of faith that good results would follow in time. That if I kept my nose to the grindstone, positive changes would ensue.
Yesterday I had to go to the post office to pick up a package that they tried to deliver over the holidays. The woman asked for ID and noted that I’d lost a good bit of weight. It didn’t occur to me until later that I’d gotten my license re-done in late August, four months into my journey. I remember being quite pleased with the new photo, as it was a big improvement over my previous DL.
That same leap-of-faith thinking happened with Jack Sh*t, Gettin’ Fit, too. It still never ceases to amaze me that folks find their way over to this place, think enough of what I do to recommend me their friends or are interested enough to leave a comment.
I’m learning a lot about this blogging business the longer I keep at it. As a matter of fact, I’ve learned to drill down and see exactly what people reading this blog were looking for when they found me. Here’s some of my favorite recent Google searches that landed folks on JSGF...
- does corndogs make you gain weight?
- it's too long it's too strong it's too hard it won't fit
- mean raps about the name jack
- cookies that begin with sh
- lite corn dog
- gettin jacked and being bald
- bobby mcferrin workout
- dirty recipe names
- rudolph the red nosed dumbass
- hot girls chumshut

In all seriousness, I’ll always look back fondly at 2009 as the year that I left a dark place and ventured out into the light. I hope the coming year brings you good luck, good health and good results in every goal you set for yourself.
Note: I thought about renaming this space, but decided that “gettin' fit” is still what I'm striving for, still what I'm pushing for. So instead, I just updated the header, reworking “If you think losing weight is easy, you don't know Jack Sh*t” to “If you think losing weight is impossible, you don't know Jack Sh*t”. Funny how just a small change in wording can make a world of difference...