Monday, August 30, 2010

Let's Make a Deal

Sometimes I get concerned that there are folks who are dropping into this bloggity blog for the first time, and I’m being all ha-ha silly about this weight-loss business. I mean, to someone who has 75 lbs, 100 lbs., 200 lbs. or more to lose, this ain’t no joking matter.

Except, you see, I think it is…

Here’s the thing: me… you… we can’t do it overnight. Even the most sound plan executed in the most perfect manner with the utmost level of commitment still requires one thing above all else: time.

Day after day of sticking to your guns.

Week after week of sweat and sacrifice.

Month after month of staring at a too-fat face in the mirror.

I laugh because… really, don’t you have to laugh? Don’t you have to laugh to save your sanity? Don’t you have to laugh to keep from crying?

It would be so easy to throw in the towel, to decide that we simply don’t give a doodley-damn what the world thinks and we’re just gonna eat what we want, drink what we want and be who we are.

But you know how that story ends, don’t you?

It ends with you wallowing in self-pity and misery. It ends happily never after…

Don’t you want more than that? Don’t you deserve better than that?

I want you to do what it takes… whatever it takes… to move your life to a better place, but I also want you to understand that we’re going to be at it for quite some time.

So let’s make a deal, you and I: you keep striving to do the best you can to make your life a healthier and happier one and I’ll do my best to… ummmm… do whatever the hell I feel like doing (hey, I didn’t say it was a good deal, did I?)


  1. "It would be so easy to throw in the towel, to decide that we simply don’t give a doodley-damn what the world thinks and we’re just gonna eat what we want, drink what we want and be who we are.

    But you know how that story ends, don’t you?

    It ends with you wallowing in self-pity and misery. It ends happily never after…"

    Man, you have me pegged! The longer this goes the more I WANT to throw in the towel! I am just now realizing that this is a lifetime kinda thing...I really wish that there was a way it could be over.

    But that isn't reality? Right?

    Your blog helps me SO MUCH!!! I need the laughter, sarcasm and some downright kick in the pants writing...

    You gotta deal, Jack~!

  2. It is a marathon, not a sprint!!!!

  3. This process, along with almost any difficult thing in life, is impossible without humor. In my humble opinion.

    Love the post.

  4. Jack, that's not much of a deal. I mean, what do I get out of it. Better health, sure, but what else, oh, some self respect you say, a better wardrobe, a chance to live long enough to play with my grandkids? Well, I suppose I get a little something from it...

  5. I agree with Mrs. Fatass. If we didn't have humor along this journey, what a boring and unmotivating thing that would be. I'm making a DEAL to strive hard and do my best (and laugh along the way). :)

  6. HAHA.....I will take that deal!!

  7. Thanks for the timely reminder that this takes time -- to be patient with myself -- and yes, to laugh.

  8. Thanks for the pep talk. I'll take that deal.

  9. I too will take that deal...

    I'm in this for the long haul and as you said.. without laughter and humor along the way, well, what a boring journey :) LOL

    Thanks for always providing us with laughter, tears and pensive thoughts...


  10. Oh! I used to love that show! I never thought it was bad to get the goat behind door #2...goats make good pets right? lol :)

  11. I thought it was a donkey behind door #3... and what did the people do with all these animals afterward? Was there a petting zoo next door to the studio?

  12. Deal!

    Without laughter, life is really boring. I love that you approach this journey with a sense of humor. It's why you are one of my favorites.

    Wait...could there really be a goat behind door #2?! I hate cutting the grass.
    No...I'm still in. But if anyone has a goat, please send them my way.

  13. A lot of people are changing their whole lives. Eating differently, moving more, trying to challenge themselves. Could you imagine your life without hummor? Sure we give up laffy taffy but just the taffy part.

    Also I find many of your post very serious. Like the one about lines at the gym. I always ask to make sure my lat pull downs are latty enough.

  14. What? Did you send aliens to read my brain telling me that I should get to have chicken strips and fries for lunch since I hit my latest weight loss goal at weigh in this morning?

    Hrmph. Stop with the aliens already.

  15. TJ, goats make EXCELLENT pets! I happen to have two of 'em...
    Thanks for the laugh; I needed it since I seem determined to back even FURTHER away from the edge of the plateau I've been stuck on for MONTHS.

  16. I couldn't agree more. This was a FANTASTIC post Jack - on my top 5!

    Weight loss is such a "heavy" (pun intended) concept. There is no doubt in my mind that without a sense of humor, I wouldn't have been nearly as successful as I have been thus far.

    I guess what I am trying to say, Jack, is thank you! Oh, and you have a deal.


  17. I'll take your deal. Today is my jumping off day. I'll need to read this post a few (several) times during the process to remind me IT IS GOING TO TAKE TIME for real change.

    Today was easy - it's gonna get tough.

  18. Deal! A sense of humor makes a bumpy road easier to travel.

  19. You're right if we don't approach this whole thing with a sense of humor it totally sucks and isn't something that can be done long term. I'll take the deal.

  20. Deal!

    My mom always says "We must always maintain our sense of humor" :-D

  21. That cheered me up! There are days when I think "I have had enough of this!" but the alternative is remaining fat - and I have had enough of that too! Yes, it's a slog at times and I go off plan but do my utmost to get back to where I was. We're worth it and we have to be in it for the long haul.

  22. As always, your blend of humor and compassion are spot on. Visiting your blog has become an essential component of my weight loss plan. Thanks.

  23. Dear Jack,, thanks for giving me this motivational words when im feeling down today, is it ok for me to post some of your blog post at my course i will reference you thanks alot for the motivation :D

  24. and....IMMEDIATELY I thought of the game show as sooon as I read your post title.

    do I need to get in costume for my dealage?

  25. I sure needed to read this blog today. I have gotten past the initial flush of success and impetus that kept me from NOT eating, and giving up has been a huge temptation. You remind me that it's not just 'me being me' but will end in unhappiness and bad health.

  26. Couldn't post yesterday for some reason so way to go on the great loss.

    I don't mind you doing whatever the hell you want because you always do it well lol.

  27. DEAL! I'm just starting this journey, again,and well, would love to laugh my way thru it. If you'll wipe my tears of anger/frturation at the damn Jillian Shred torture tape. :)



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