True story: I was at a business social meeting on the Left Coast at a loud and raucous spot called Dick’s Last Resort. I had just joined the group, which was about to start a “Who Can Drink the Most of their 40 oz. Beer at One Time” contest. Most of the table had already knocked back a third (or more) of their glass, and offered me the chance to catch up to make it more fair. I told them I’d spot them the difference, and proceeded to chug down the entire glass of golden nectar in one crazy gulping motion. It so impressed the rest of the table that I had to repeat the performance two more times.
Today I often find myself at gatherings where it just feels natural to have a cold one in my hand. I’m teaching myself the fine art of nursing a beer, still managing to enjoy it but get away from the feeling that I’ve got to see how much I can put away as quickly as I can. I know they’re empty calories, so I’ll just s-t-r-e-e-e-e-e-e-t-c-h each one out as far as I can and go from there. If you see me at a party, just don’t challenge me to a chug-off, okay?
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