“JACKIE,” he bellowed over the droning of his leaf blower (Art’s got a thing about leaves touching his lawn, so he blows them over to my yard). “YOU TRYIN’ TO LOSE SOME WEIGHT?”
“Geez, Art,” I frowned, putting my index finger up to my mouth. “We don’t need to announce it to the entire neighborhood…”
“I NEED TO DROP A FEW POUNDS, TOO,” he exclaimed, patting his own extended mid-section.
“Great,” I told him. “We can be dieting buddies and help each other out. When I feel the urge to drive out and get a burger and fries, I'll call you first.”
“GREAT!” smiled Art. “I’LL RIDE WITH YOU.”
In the days that followed, I invited him on walks, told him about all the wild and crazy smoothies I was making and clued him in on a senior special the gym I had just joined was offering, but Art wasn’t interested in any of that.
“I’M NOT PAYING FOR SOME FANCY-SCHMANCY GYM,” Art told me one afternoon.
A couple of months passed and Art stopped me on the street again.
“Yeah,” I smiled. “That was kind of the idea, Art. Except I thought that you were gonna do this with me.”
“THAT DOESN’T SOUND RIGHT,” I said, before catching myself. “I mean, that doesn’t sound right.”
“Ahhhhhh,” I nodded. “I think I may see the problem. Well, c’mon. We’ll try again. I’ll help…”
I shrugged and returned home. Things got kind of busy, and I didn’t talk to Art for a couple of months.
“Yeah, Art,” I told him. “This program I’m on is really working. The sooner we get you started, the sooner you can drop those pounds, too.”
So here I am, 75 pounds down and believing in my own future. What Art doesn’t understand is that this journey isn’t easy for me, isn’t easy for anybody I know. It’s day after day of dedication, of good choices, of hard work.
For people who believe in themselves, the hard road becomes less difficult. For the ones who don’t believe, the difficult road becomes impossible.
Indeed. What more can one say?
ReplyDeleteRight on Jack. Like I said on my own blog today, "Lather, Rinse, Repeat" then do it again.
ReplyDeleteMany people ask me "so, what are you doing to lose weight?" When I tell them I am basically eating less, eating better, and exercising.....their eyes glaze over. "Oh, that...I thought you found some great secret." Then, many of them tell me why they could not possibly eat less and exercise more (many variations on this explanation). And...I KNOW...and I UNDERSTAND that, and even identify with much of what they are saying. It truly is a choice...every minute of every day, to eat well and drag my big bottom to the gym. But...making the good choices DO make me believe more in myself, so I'm gonna stick with them.
ReplyDeleteAnd, "Jackie".....215.....well f#%$ing done!
What's amusing to me is that I never really really believed that I could do this until I started checking in weekly with a friend of mine, and as a result, actually started seeing some success. Just that little starting push and confidence booster is what gave me the momentum to continue the journey. I hope that Art comes to his senses, because having a friend to be accountable to is the best thing that could have happened to me.
ReplyDeleteSome days though, it does seem impossible. I've lost the majority of the extra weight and it's still as difficult as it always was. Ah, I'm just having a sucky week.
ReplyDeletelove love love this!!
ReplyDeletei keep on reminding myself that a half pound here or no loss, is crappy for that week but over the long haul, it adds up!
and it does get easier, at least it is this time for me, then again I want it more and the more success I am having, the more success I want!
it's addicting I tell you!
Good post! I went through this with my neighbor several years back (her husband loves his leaf blower too lol). She ended up getting gastric bypass which seems to have been the best choice for her. But what I've come to realize is though I need support and welcome it I also realize this is my own journey that no one else can do but me.
ReplyDeleteI had this issue myself when I first started trying to lose weight... I *wanted* to lose weight but I don't think I actually truly *believed* that I would so I was subconsciously sabotaging my own efforts
ReplyDeletemy Mum's the same, she's full of excuses too, a list as long as my arm... she's just unwilling to put in the effort and make it a sustained one
well done in believing in yourself, it has paid off!!
I went through this recently. A friend accepted my challenge to lose five pounds(as a start, we had both been bitching about our weight for years and it looked like we were both ready). First week out she did nothing but sabotage her own success. Restart the next week, lather rinse repeat to borrow a phrase. Six months later I'm down 20 lbs, she's up 30. Sigh.
i believe.
ReplyDeletethank you. i needed this post.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of Art Decos out there. Sadly.
ReplyDeleteway to go 'jackie' :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE IT x
cant i just take some pills? or wear some new fangled tummy-buster-belt? jeesh!!!
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
ReplyDeleteCan't tell ya how many friends ask what I am doing but then they tell me that they CAN'T follow Weight Watchers. I gave up offering advise to the people who refuse to help themselves.
Some days I could eat a 6 foot sub, just sayin. :)
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink...."
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what I was thinking. I've been both you and Art at points in my life.
It's about putting together more good days then bad....and never giving up.
ReplyDeleteWhen you change the way you look at loosing weight it does become "almost" easy.
Great post and comments
This is such a true story many times over!!!! For some, there will always be an excuse or it will always be "I will start Monday or after this holiday or that birthday". There is just nothing a person can do for them until they are ready... no matter how many times you offer up help.
ReplyDeleteThis is a life long process. I continue to make changes in food, exercise & many other aspects of this journey. AND, we change, our bodies change so we always have to be ready to adapt.
Jack, great stuff!
Wow, that was a pretty amazing post, and just the kind of thing I needed to read today. :)
ReplyDeleteWELL DONE!
What else is there to say but, "Yep."?
ReplyDeleteI think we've all been through this. It annoys me when people imply that there's something special about them that makes them less likely to lose weight. I'm sure that for some people there is something wrong, but for many it's just an excuse.
My 75 year old neighbor was so pleased with me. She came over to inform me that I'm losing weight :) She even gave me a correct weight range to shoot for. What would we do without our elderly neighbors?
ReplyDeleteat first i tried to get family and friends on board , but you soon learn its usually a solo journey, 'cept for blogland!
ReplyDeleteSounds familiar to me. I've lost 105 pounds now and people want to know, "Whats the secret?". Eat healthy and move more is the simple answer. People actually look at me like I'm crazy when I say that. And you're right, some get offended, "Well, its not that easy for everyone." Its not EASY for anyone, but you have to suck it up and do it.
ReplyDeleteAs I read this post, a ray of sunshine came out from behind the clouds, dove through my window and hit me full in the face.
Seriously, (though the sun did just now peek out), it is true, the simple answer is not what people want to hear. It's not easy. My journey has been full of backslides. And yet I am not giving up.
Some really smart guy once said "I really kinda heart this post." Hope he doesn't mind that I'm gonna use them here. Because I do really kinda heart this post.
ReplyDeletei have many the Art Deco in my life. and a personal hate-on for leaf blowers. I mean.. would it KILL you to get out a rake, and stop noise polluting?? ok.. rant over.
ReplyDeletethanks Jack. i DO believe.
Up until this last time I kept hoping the fat fairy would come and take my fat away.... I was willing to try atkins, pills, anything but gastric bypass...cause the thought of severing a major internal organ was too much for me. I finally accepted that this would have to be for life, and that's when it changed. I didn't feel so desperate anymore. Good post Jack.
ReplyDeleteAmen brotha...
ReplyDeleteAnd what has always been funny to me is how many times I have tried to start a plan and just couold not get motivated. Why this time? I don't know...but I ain't complainin'.
ReplyDeleteBEST WISHES TO YOU ART! (I wanted to make sure he could hear me over that leaf blower.
Funny and right on point.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHa - it's like talking to my flatmate ... "oh well, I was having a bad day so I had some chocolate", which is apparently several Mars Bars and a muffin ... she's given up on Weightwatchers now, and I'm sad for her, but continuing on making my own committments every day I can. It's all we can ... a little selfishness takes us far!
ReplyDeletewell said as always Jack
ReplyDeleteWas over at A Tale of Two Kittehs and saw your name mentioned and a link a decided to come take a look. Soon as I realized I was singing your profile I was hooked. Then I read this. Great blog.
ReplyDeleteVery insightful, Mr. Sh*t. :)
ReplyDeleteIn Art's defense, it's hard out there for a design style.
ReplyDeleteA triple thanks: Thanks for the belated birthday wish,the double binocular thingy (how'd you find one, I heard they're hard to come by), and an encouraging post.
ReplyDeleteAnother awesome post! So true because when people do ask about weight-loss and find out it's not some magic pill... they lose all hope because "it's too hard".
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your weight loss. Simply awesome!
ReplyDeleteThat is very true. I will think about this when I'm feeling discouraged!
ReplyDeleteI was afraid you were going to say poor Art was dead.
ReplyDeleteAnd HEY JACKIE I have been away too long .. . .when did you get that whole string of awards? . . . you and didn't give a single one to me! :(
I'm a believer!! lol Just gotta' do some fine tuning to get that whole consistency thing down pat. :)
ReplyDeleteVery good post, Jack. Very good, indeed.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was training for my week long 500 mile bike ride across the state I had several people tell me they really would like to do it "someday" but could "never" do it. I said "sure ya can - if I can do it (at 50 years 50 lbs overwt) anyone can." Then they'd say "no I know I never could do it." And then I'd say "You're Right."
ReplyDeleteGreat Post.
First time blog reader!
ReplyDeleteLoved this post!! So full of truth I don't know where to begin. :)
It's never convenient, and if a person isn't really willing to put in the effort and make useful changes, there's no point in trying.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, this happens all the time! Great post!