A few days ago, I ran a contest giving away a Philips DirectLife activity monitor with subscription to a reader who could most passionately communicate their desire for said device. DirectLife Junior Market Intelligence Analyst Antonio Galván Puente took his own sweet time in judging the entries, however I'll cut him some slack since I didn't really tell him I was going to make him judge it.
Dear Jack,
I hope this email finds you doing well. First of all, at DirectLife we are really happy to have read all this stories.
Together with coach José (http://blog.directlife.philips.com/coach-jose/ ) and coach Jen we went through the posts.
Looking at the benefits of our program (http://www.directlife.philips.com/benefits/ ) we were really happy to see stories matching the kind of user DirectLife is designed for.
We have chosen this post for this competition, but please feel free to organize two more competitions in the remaining of 2010:
Dear Directlife Junior Market Intelligence Analyst Antonio Galvan Puente-
I am a nurse. Let me clarify I am a fat emergency room nurse. Do you know how hard it is to help someone change their life when they are looking at you thinking "Yeah I'll quit smoking those cigs when you lose some weight tubby". Plus I don't get to pee during my 12 hour shift let alone figure out how much physical activity I am doing. I know lots of nurses secretly wonder how many calories we are burning giving shots in the butt. Just think not only would you be helping me but maybe hundreds no thousands of people. They will look at at that healthy fit nurse giving them discharge instructions and think "Maybe if she can do it so can I".
I am a nurse. Let me clarify I am a fat emergency room nurse. Do you know how hard it is to help someone change their life when they are looking at you thinking "Yeah I'll quit smoking those cigs when you lose some weight tubby". Plus I don't get to pee during my 12 hour shift let alone figure out how much physical activity I am doing. I know lots of nurses secretly wonder how many calories we are burning giving shots in the butt. Just think not only would you be helping me but maybe hundreds no thousands of people. They will look at at that healthy fit nurse giving them discharge instructions and think "Maybe if she can do it so can I".
Active regards from the DirectLife team, Jack!
Junior Market Intelligence Analyst
So Jessica, email me your shipping info and claim your DirectLife activity monitor.