Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Don't Want to Talk About It...

Weekly weigh-in: 219.0
Loss: +2.5
Total loss: -72.9
Emotion: Miffed


  1. not such a good week than eh Jack??????

  2. oh mate, I hope that helped.

    it's horrible when the scales don't play the game, but so long as you're doing all the right things (and you ARE aren't you????) then all will be well in the end x

  3. I've felt like doing that a time or two.

    Did it help?

  4. If smashing a scale with a hammer were an art or exercise like running, I'd say you have good form.

  5. Jack, I don't want to talk about my week, either.

    Thankfully, tomorrow is Monday - clean slate...moving forward, not looking back!

    I think you showed a lot of restraint smashing your scale - even pausing to put on your safety glasses!

  6. Jack 1 - Scale 0. Way to kick it's ass.

  7. A little violent. I'm more amazed by the fact you have art hanging up in your garage. Wow, I feel like a total slacker in the decorating dept.

  8. I once pitched a scale out my dorm room window in college. It landed 7 stories down on top of the dinning hall roof. Cathartic.

  9. Lets not talk about it except to say, that scale will never give you a less than favorable reading again!

  10. Can you come over and do mine next?

  11. I've thought about doing the same to mine a few times, but I am cheap! Scales are expensive!

  12. omg, thank you for doing that 'virtually' for all of us!

  13. Oh my God!!!! To, to funny! I think I'm going to save this so that I can use it for therapy when I have a bad week. ROTFLMAO!!!!

  14. I still haven't made it to the scales yet...if I did mine might retaliate!
    Great post

  15. If I bring my scale over will you destroy my too??

  16. Glad you put your goggles on. Hope next week is better. Glad you got some frustration out.

  17. So, great way to get out your aggression BUT did you do what you needed to do OR are you mad at yourself really for maybe slacking too much.. just curious. If you did you part.. well, the scale can be pretty fickle in my experience YET I STILL use it because in general, it has helped me. One day of craziness before way in day can do this.. at least on my bod. I can go up a couple pounds at least in one day.

    Also, how are the clothes fitting, an indicator too...

  18. Ouch! I hate those weeks. Especially when I earn them.

    Time to dig in...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I felt like beavis and butthead watching this. "yeah, hammer, smash it. . . ahhhh! yeah hit it, kill it, thrown it!"

    Been there done that, and I think I might do with my old scale too.

  21. love the painting on the wall..and your work bench. other than that...great aim.

  22. Come on, Jack. You've got to get back in the game. You know how to do this.

    Great job killing the scale. I shot mine. Literally shot it and took video. Was the most awesome thing.

  23. Not the scale's fault.
    And I hope you never get mad at me.
    PS Your a$$ looked cute

  24. Oh Jack...I am sure that was not meant to be funny, but you had me laughing.

    I am becoming more and more aware of letting go of outcomes and having no scale is part of that for me.

    Hugs to sir are far more than a number.

  25. Progress has been made! Woot! Now go snatch a kettlebell! ;-)

  26. Ohhhh. So sorry. Losing Weight is tough. Gaining weight is tougher. Deb

  27. heh heh...LOVE it. sorry about the gain. :(

  28. come on Jack...time to get back in the game!

  29. Haha! We've all been there! Great video :)

  30. Oh, I so needed to see that. I've wanted to do that myself the past few days.

  31. Dear Jack,

    Because I love you I am willing to take your abuse. You can hate me, but I will never stop loving you and I only do what I do to you because I care about you. I may not always say the things you want to hear, but I always speak the truth. Truth is sometimes hard to live with, but if I lied to you it could cost you your life in the end. I'm sorry you are angry with me right now, but please know I am your friend and a true friend will share the good as well as the bad with you.


    Your Scale

  32. I suggest a water pill! ha! kidding!

  33. I dragged my fat ass over here to be selfish and steal some of your mojo. Now that I see what you're capable of...well let's just say I'm feeling like my head just popped out of my ass like Punxatony Phil.

    It's time to give winter a Good Riddance Party. You can be in charge of hanging decorations. Just a suggestion, I would recommend tape instead of a hammer.

    Go team.

  34. I don't mean to make light of your gain, I know exactly how you must be feeling. But you just did what I would like to do almost every time I stand on a scale.

    Its good to get your anger out!

  35. Well, that's one way to take care of a scale that gives you a heavy reading. LOL Fun to watch!

  36. Well now. THAT was a good workout!



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