Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Say, Where Did That Wagon Go?

We hate talking about it.

Well, at least I do.

Yes, I – THUD – fell off the wagon.

I sat there on the dusty road and watched it roll on.

And on.

And on.

And on.

Here’s what I didn’t do…

Get back on my feet, brush myself off and chase after it.

Nope, I convinced myself that wagon-riding is a slow way to get anywhere.

Day after day after day of monotonous sameness.

Watching what you eat.

Making sure you get in plenty of exercise.

Not playing new drinking game I invented where you watch Fox News and take a swig every time anybody says anything is Obama’s fault.

Excuse me, but I have some changes to make.

And a wagon to catch.


  1. I'm two years into maintenance and yeah lots of repetitive, mind numbing boring here, with around 40 years to go sigh...

    1. Congratulations Sara; maintaining for such a long period of time is quite an achievement!

  2. You can do this Jack; you have what it takes. We will cheer you on!



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