Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I Think You Can Do This

Maybe you’re racked with doubt about whether or not you’re ever going to drop these pounds. Perhaps you think this is a goal that you’re never going to be able to accomplish.

For what it’s worth, I think you’re gonna do it.

I think you’ve got this.

What gives me such sure-fire confidence that this is your time?

I think you want it. Of course you want it. Why else would you be here, scouring the internet for information on losing weight and getting healthy? Maybe you’re just getting started, laying the groundwork, whatever. You’re here. Maybe you’ve been at it a while and are just in need of a strong second wind. You’re still at it. You haven’t given up, and that’s one of the most basic, fundamental reasons why you’re going to make it.

I think you know what you need to do. You do–that point’s not even up for debate. All the information you need is either in your brain or at your fingertips. You may not be heeding it every day, may not be following your own game plan, but that’s not because you don’t know any better. You know better, and one day (and one day soon) you’re going to wake up to the fact that you know better.

I think you deserve it. Don’t get the feeling that I think you’re extra special (though, I do feel like you’re extra special). I think everyone deserves it. Everyone deserves to be healthy, to be fit and to feel good about themselves. It’s a basic human right, and it’s time you reclaimed what is rightfully yours.

I think nothing’s stopping you… but you. Blame the job, your kids, your spouse, your financial situation… blame anything you want, but understand that it’s you that dug this hole that you’re standing at the bottom of and it’s you that’s going to eventually have to put that shovel down and decide that it’s time to start climbing.

I think it’s time. I mean that, I think it’s time right now. I mean right this very second. Excuses are for the weak, and you are anything but weak. You’re strong-willed, and I know that if you apply yourself… I mean really give it your all… this is a journey that you will be successful with.

Five months ago, I stood on a scale and cried like a baby. Maybe you’ve felt like that before; maybe you feel like that right now. It’s a miserable way to feel, isn’t it? I looked in a mirror and could no longer face the image staring back at me. I wasn’t so mad at what I’d done to myself; I was mad at what I was continuing to do to myself. If you can appreciate the difference… well, that’s one more reason why you’re going to make this change in yourself.

Because that’s the thing: we’re not chained to the person we are. There’s nothing holding us back if we wake up and decide to make that transformation. Five months ago, I changed the person I was, and every day that has since passed makes me prouder and happier at where I am now and what I’ve accomplished.

I’m not done yet, and neither are you.


  1. Jack - great post. I agree 100% with all these points, and are ones I tell people all the time. Sometimes just believing that we can do it can move us to the place where we actually achieve our dreams!

    Congratulations on your success.

  2. This was a rocking post. It's right on to say people must have some seriousness in them if they are reading weightloss blogs!

    I'm sort of building a philosophy, I've always tried to come up with the perfect plan... but it's always failed. But now it's different, one better choice is all I try for at a time. Now instead of a perfect plan and perfect performace I just try to do what I got in me until something better comes along. It seems helpful to take some of the pressure and guilt off, but also not loose the focus on the goal.

    You or I can't promise success, but it's real likely that if someone believes they can't they likely won't.

    Fight, what have you got to loose? Life is going to move on anyway, you might as well enjoy the ride!

    At Foolsfitness it's all about the fight to get more cookies!-Alan

  3. Amen my friend! Inspiring post.

  4. Right back at you buddy. :)

    You've come a long way in these 5 months & I know you want it, deserve it & nothing is going to keep you from meeting your goal & beyond to your healthy life of maintenance.

    Best wishes,

  5. Fantastic post and just what I needed to read as I start a new week with the goal of reaching 40lbs lost this coming Tuesday!

  6. Preach!

    Good stuff man.

  7. Exactly what I needed to hear. Seems to be catching today. Just wow. Thank you indeed.

    Definitley missed reading your blog, mister!

  8. Thank you for this post!
    Was right on the brink again, attitude slipping. Have to do this, will do this.

  9. I know I want it.
    I know what I need to do.
    I know I deserve it.
    I'm not stopping myself!
    It is MY time!


  10. A lot of good points in this post! Thanks

  11. great post as always. i found as soon as i made a habit of my new eating pattern and it became second nature, thats when it all started to flow.

    changing your way of eating feels so unnatural at first, after a lifetime of just grabbing what tastes great. but, being very compusive, now ive picked my favorite "diet" foods, and i just eat them in the determined portions, and food has taken a back seat. now its a lifestyle, not a diet.

    anyone starting fresh, it will get easier with time!

  12. Great post! All things said are so true. What rings for me is I am the only one who has stopped myself. (hear that self?) I'm gonna do it this time!

  13. Yes you have Jack and yes I can. Thanks.

  14. five months!?

    how about this morning when the damn scale hasnt budged in like 3 weeks!?

  15. Thank you, Jack. This came at just the right time for me.

  16. You know how to get us going! Great post.

  17. I probably say this a lot but great post. You should be so proud of what you've accomplished and thanks so much for sharing it all with the rest of us. I'm totally guilty of the excuses which I wrote about today. No more!!

  18. I so needed to read this post this morning. I am day 2 of back on track seriously. I am gonna do this, and I can do this, and I am the only one who can do this for me.

    Thank you Jack Sh*t for putting out there for me.

  19. I like me some Jack.

    And yes, you can quote me on that. ;)

  20. Hear, hear! There is, indeed, nothing to stop us but ourselves. Every single one of us can do this.

    Great post, Jack.

  21. Thanks Jack, I needed that today!

  22. Thanks Jack, you are right. For most people, this should be enough. The desire and willingness to effect permanent change. I only wish this was enough for me. If only I hadn't stood on the scale and cried about 50+ different times over the past 30 years and given myself this pep talk 1,030 times.

    Its sad but true: For some of us yo-yo dieters, the statistics are going to win out: 98% of repeat dieters are not going to lose and keep the weight off permanantly. Those are some pretty bad odds. I got the lap band to help beat those odds, once and for all.

    BUT! All of these words ring true with or without WLS. So thanks.

    Debbie Downer signing out now. (I know, I should just stick to the bra shots).

  23. And...You forgot to sign this one Jack Handey Sh*t.

    Seriously, though, thanks. Your success and thoughtful words are so inspiring.

  24. Just what I needed. Stepped up my workouts this week and already logged about 30 miles this week, between walking and elliptical, been keeping my Calories in check. I stepped on the scale this morning and I was 2 pounds heavier, I said WTF, thoughts of quitting crossed my mind this morning. But I know that I am in this for the long haul (rest of my life), and I am not weak! I have come this far and already lost around 40 lbs - still have 25+ to go! Patience - I know it will come, if I keep it up. Great post today Jack - Love your blog!

  25. Sometimes those tear-stained scales are what finally gets through to us. Good post. I haven't been on track as well as I should be. Not terrible...but not great. I need to keep the ol' eye on the prize.

  26. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you!

  27. Your post hit home today. I made a post on the Weight Watcher Canada board this morning.

    "I've accepted that this healthy lifestyle is for life. The changes I'm making now are for life. If I have a bad day now and again that is part of my life. I have crap days at work, crap days as a parent, crap days as a wife - but I don't say "It's too much work. I can't be bothered. I give up." I get up the next day and try again and try harder. I deserve just as much effort as I put into everything else.

  28. Post of the year!
    Well done young man, take a bow.

  29. I've been posting on my blog for about 5 years now, repeatedly getting on and off track. Always having something that gets the better of me and stopping my efforts. I come back every so often and talk about being in some new "zone" that's going to make all the difference. This time I came back not because of some new sense of empowerment, but because I just knew I needed to. It's made getting back to the basics a little tougher, but every day I seem to make one more good decision for me. Reading posts like yours helps to make every day a little bit easier. Thank you.

  30. Reading your post today Jack hit home with me. I'm so happy for your success. I'm happy that you're here also to brighten my day sometimes, make me laugh, make me think and make me believe that we all can do anything we set our minds to. It is in our hands we just have to believe in ourselves. Thanks.

  31. Jack, what an awesome post! Yes, they are all true BUT especially that we have to look to ourselves big time. You have to be honest & accountable to yourself! One of the hardest things & the most important! You have to get to the point where your health is more important than the rest of the crap you tell yourself!

    You deserve a big ole hug & HUGE CONGRATS!

  32. I don't know what else to say, but thank you. I've printed this out to remind myself that I CAN do this.

  33. dang freaking right I'm gonna get this, and so are you bud! It's a journey and I might take a wrong turn, but you know what, I ain't afraid to ask for directions that'll get me right back on track! Let's keep it moving!

  34. Great post, Jack! And... keep up the good work! You are doing great with the weight loss and you are totally transforming your life! :)

  35. Great motivation. My focus is elsewhere, but the advice still holds true. :) Thanks.

  36. totally brilliant and completely motivational. Please- write the book. You will sell loads. Honest

  37. I think we can do it too, Jack...great post...great pep-talk.

  38. Great post, Jack!

    Got an extra ark lying around?

  39. Great post. So true.

  40. Thank you for this post. I think we all need our own personal Jack Sh*t cheerleader telling us that we CAN do this.

  41. I always love your posts. Loving but firm. This is a great post. I could see it being published in a magazine. It has serious power.

  42. Jack! Stop reading my mind. You always seem to know what I need to hear.

    Back to the gym tomorrow :)

  43. I want it! I deserve it! Im gonna have it! ALL of it!

    P.S. No change for the million, sorry! You will have to just give me the $250.000 straight up. And in small bills please!!!

  44. I love you Jack. :)

    I just emailed you about something else a few mins ago...not sure if I got your email addy right...was typing it in from memory..and my memory sucks, lol. Let me know if you don't get it so I can re-send.

  45. The best weight loss blog post I have ever read. Seriously - and I read a lot of them.

    Thank you for being so encouraging. I know you weren't talking to me, but it felt like you were. :)

  46. You're is our time! This is it, amigo! We will be in skinny jean heaven! =)

  47. I don't know which post I like more but what I do know is that when you write from the heart you motivate so many. Great post as usual my friend. Thank you!

  48. I remember the day I cried on the scale too...yeah, I'm not going back there either!

  49. Hey Dude.


    I'd like to repost this on my blog. Is that ok? I'm all about sharin the sh*t.


  50. Needed this post like whoa. Thank you.



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