• Instead of eating an entire can of frosting, use the
plastic lid to cover the container and save some for tomorrow.
• Use the stairs instead of attempting to parkour up
empty elevator shaft.
• Don’t top your salad with half a can of Pringles.
• Instead of running a half-marathon, maybe just sign
up to run a half-marathon.
• Remember, it’s “anything in moderation,” not
“everything in moderation”.
• One way to make yourself drink more water is to try a bite
of my cooking. Here, sample my rutabaga pudding. It’s indescribable!
• Believe in the power to accomplish your goals; people said
that I couldn’t never not be able to get away with a triple negative in a blog
post, but look at me now!
• Each day, write down everything you eat (or if you’re like
me, save a little time by writing down everything you don’t eat).
• Walking a dog is more exercise than letting dog pull you
around block on a skateboard, but c’mon… HAVE YOU TRIED LETTING DOG YOU AROUND
• Remember what Winston Churchill always said… okay, you got
me – I have no idea what Winston Churchill always said, but it was probably
something like “eat a little less and exercise more and you’ll be well on your
way to a healthy lifestyle.”