
Monday, December 3, 2012

If This Doesn't Inspire You, I Give Up

 Knock, knock. Are you there? Wake up!

 I've got a deal for you...

 Eat healthy this week and I'll give you what's behind my back.

 That's right... a baby puppy!

 And if you will exercise at least six days this week, I've got something else for you...

 That's right... ANOTHER BABY PUPPY!

 Let's kick this up one... more... notch. If you'll eat healthy and exercise this week, I will give you...



I'm kidding. It's just a puppy. But we'll both be 
really sad if you don't eat right and exercise this week.


  1. What!!!!! That kettlebell is so adorable!!!! Did you paint it yourself??? ;-) When I was a kid, I used to do the same thing with my dog's ears and call her a seal. I have pugs now and if I do that with them they look like monsters.

  2. I have ADHD...CUTE FUZZY PUPPY!!!! who can concentrate on the words on the page???

  3. Bringing out the big guns...aka puppy! Well played my friend! :)

  4. hahhaa! the face of the puppy in 1st photo. He's like "what da hell???" Now where's ma baby seal. Just filled up my bathtub to welcome him to his new home...

  5. What a cute cute cute post Jack :) Can't show it to marie though or she'd be begging you send us a puppy and she'd eat right and exercise for it for sure lol. But I'll follow along without the puppy thanks lol.

  6. LOOOOOOVE THIS POST!!! Laugh out loud funny but at the same time somehow very motivating!! Don't need the puppy (have 4 already and if I get one more I will have to apply for a kennel license) so I'm going for the seal! Don't want to see Heidi Klum's ex at my door. Send the cute one in the pic!

  7. I guess I have to forego any right to puppies given that I'm reading this post while enjoying an iced & spiced bun...oops!

  8. I guess I have to forego any right to puppies given that I'm reading this post while enjoying an iced & spiced bun...oops!

  9. So if I actively DON'T want a puppy, does that mean I can lay around on my arse all week? SCORE!

  10. Oh look at all the cuteness!!!!

  11. So sweet! We got a puppy a few months ago and she is sweet but a lot of work!

  12. I will exercise this week if you promise to NOT give me a puppy or a baby seal! I am full up on crazy around my house. Did the puppy thing 5 years ago and swear I will never do it again. Although that puppy is adorable as are baby seals :).

  13. That's doggone convincing, will have to get my butt to the gym!

  14. I want a puppy!!!! I'll send you my address ;)
