
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

More, More, More Weight Loss Nursery Rhymes

It's Raining, It's Pouring

I’m struggling, I’m aching.
My weight loss plan’s stagnating.
I ate too much,
I feel like sludge.
My future I’m forsaking.

I’m peaking, improving.
I’ve got my poor bod moving.
I’m eating right,
My pant’s less tight.
Bad habit’s I am losing.

Lucy Losing’s Been Reducing 

Lucy Losing’s been reducing.
Jackie Sh*t has not been.

Lucy’s head is held up high,
While Jack’s still got a triple chin.

Yesterday Upon the Scale

Yesterday upon the scale 

I saw a weight that make me wail.

And so I changed the things I do.
Today I saw a loss. Woo hoo!

This Little Piggy Went To Market

This little piggy

Went to market
This little piggy

Shopped smart. 

This little piggy

Looked at junk food.
This little piggy

Said "No!"
And this little piggy cried,

"Wee, wee, wee, wee, 
I ain’t no piggy no mo.”

Run-A-Mile, Run-A-Mile

Run-a-mile, run-a-mile joggin’ man.
Run me a mile as fast as you can.
Run it and log it, even if it made you retch
And when it’s all over, don’t forget to stretch.

Fair-a Jack Sh*t

Are you eating?

Are you eating?

Brother Jack
Brother Jack

Weigh-in Day is coming
Weigh-in Day is coming


Dumb Ding-Dong.

Dumb Ding-Dong.

Peter Popper

Peter Popper popped a pack of Dr. Pepper;

A pack of Dr. Pepper Peter Popper popped;.
Cuz Peter Popper popped a pack of Dr. Pepper 

Peter Popper found that he had consumed 900 empty calories without abating his hunger whatsoever.

One, two, three, four... I lost an ounce or more.
Five, six, seven, eight... left those French fries on my plate.


  1. :-D although I kept wanting to read poop on the last one! ;-) Congrats on the loss!

  2. Onward and downward J!

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  4. My son likes it when I do This Little Piggy Went to Market. I'm going to start using your version of it. Hopefully, he'll remember it when he's older and doing his own shopping.

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  6. Run, Run and Run to loose your weight. There is no better exercise than Running can help you to loose you weight. This can be the best weight loss machine you can ever have.

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