
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Good. Gooder. Bestest.

GOOD: You walked a mile on the treadmill.
GOODER: You ran a 5K on the treadmill.
BESTEST: You made it to the end of the treadmill.

GOOD: You buy lots of produce at the grocery store.
GOODER: You buy organic produce at the grocery store.
BESTEST: You grow your own vegetables in your bathtub.

GOOD: A co-worker commented on your weight loss.
GOODER: A friend you haven’t seen in a while is shocked how great you look.
BESTEST: Your mother makes you show her some ID.

GOOD: You’re taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
GOODER: You’re biking to work instead of driving.
BESTEST: You’re doing an Ironman triathalon instead of going to staff meeting.

GOOD: Salad for lunch.
GOODER: Salad for dinner.
BESTEST: Salad for breakfast.

GOOD: You do 50 situps every day.
GOODER: You do 50 situps every hour.
BESTEST: You never stop doing situps.

GOOD: You do yoga, pilates or Zumba.
GOODER: You do yoga, pilates and Zumba
BESTEST: You do yoga, pilates and Zumba, all at the same time.

GOOD: You achieved your goal rate on your heart rate monitor.
GOODER: You exceeded your goal rate on your heart rate monitor.
BESTEST: Your activity level melted your heart rate monitor.

GOOD: You feel comfortable being in public in a swimsuit.
GOODER: You feel comfortable being in public in a bikini.
BESTEST: Hello, nude beach!

GOOD: You’ve lost 20 lbs.
GOODER: You’ve lost 20% of your starting weight.
BESTEST: You’ve lost the bad habits that got you in trouble in the first place.

Summer rerun.


  1. BESTEST: You do yoga, pilates and Zumba, all at the same time: If only! Maybe one of these days... *laughs*

    Loved this post, especially the last BESTEST. I will definitely get rid of the bad habits that got me in trouble in the first place... one of these days. *laughs again*

  2. Somewhere over the rainbow...........thats where we find the end of the treadmill. We will make it there someday Jack!

  3. I made it to the end of the treadmill! I used my treadmill so much, I broke it.

    Here's the story. I am redoing my website so for now you are reduced to a FB Note on my page...

    As for the last one, you made me get out the calculator and figure out what % of my starting weight I've lost so far. Today it's 18%. I guess that makes me 2% less than Gooder.
