
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Send Your W.I.D.T.H. Off Before I Get Pidth Off!

Truth to tell, I never envisioned the kind of response I've gotten when I asked for folks to send me their reasons (via note card or reasonable facsimile) for losing weight and/or getting more healthy. They came pouring in, and there's been a steady stream of them ever since. I don't know about you, but I find them wonderfully inspirational, so much raw emotion boiled down to a tiny little card. Thanks for everyone who has contributed so far and everyone who's going to send me one in the very near future *hint hint*. Email your note (along with a blog link if you want it included) to

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  1. I lol'd at JBS. These are great!

  2. First time I ever saw your blog. The Beverly Hillbillies remix alone was worth it! Bahahaha!

  3. I just LOVE the Saturday post with the notes. I hope folks keep sending you photos and notes and W.I.D.T.H is around for a LONG time!!!

  4. Thanks Jack! You rock dude. You are now freed from any and all mankini obligations. It is not my jurisdiction to free you from the leopard robe however.

    But, I will plead your case.
