
Friday, September 24, 2010

W.I.D.T.H. Your Weight in Gold

Even when you're enjoying success on this healthy living path we're walking, it can be a day-in-and-day-out struggle. If you can't really say exactly WHY you're doing it... well, then it may be next to impossible for you to achieve your goals.

What drives you to want to lose the weight? What's your reason for getting more healthy? Quick... jot it down on a note card, the back of an envelope, a scrap of tissue paper... and email it to


  1. These are great. Some are touching, some are funny, all are meaningful.

    Since I got back from my (dreadful, horrible, off course, no good) hiatus, I've been looking through your archives, and the addition of the notecard posts is totally the Jack Sh*t related blogvention since you decided your blog's calling was to be absolutely hilarious.

    I'm glad you're still here cracking up (and motivating!) the weight loss community.

  2. What ever it takes to cut the weight and more is what I see here. I'm proud to be here.

  3. These are fantastic! I love these WIDTH posts you do!

  4. They are awesome- so inspiring! Going to do mine now over at my blog :D


  5. You all have such great reasons and, :o, I like those yellow kicks and, now, I want to play ball too.
