
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More Excuses for a Bad Weigh-in

  • Water weight... I accidentally drank some water

  • Forgot where my gym is located

  • Gravity extra strong on weigh-in day

  • Breaking in a new scale

  • Letting my hair grow out

  • Weight Watchers conspiracy

  • Friends let me down

  • Wearing my Kevlar underwear

  • Bad voodoo

  • Too heavy for treadmill to move

  • Drank too much gravy

  • Obama and his Socialistic agenda

  • Didn’t know they’d be serving wedding cake at the wedding

  • The regrettable marshmallow incident

  • Spider got in my gym bag

  • Stumbled into a charity fish fry

  • Sleep-snacking

  • Amnesia made me forget about diet

  • Accidentally locked self in snack closet

  • Coworker brought in brownies and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings

  • Listened to a lot of music that made me hungry

  • Misplaced my muzzle

  • Actually lied about my weight last week


  1. How about: "I'm a grad student and, in my sleepless delirium, I accidentally ate the book I was supposed to read last night"?... cause that's happened to me *several* times.

  2. I'm quite certain my problem is Obama and his socialist agenda. Thanks for pointing that out. Makes perfect sense now.

  3. All those are funny, except the Amnesia one! That one's a fact! ;)

  4. I need to add my husband to your list... and Father's Day. After all - he chose the restaurant and he ordered the fried pickles and he wanted to see a movie and sent out teen to the concession stand! It's HIS fault:)

  5. It's the movie theatres fault! How can you possibly resist the smell of that popcorn! It's a trap!

  6. Lets not forget about the one where your significant other tied you down & force fed you food & beer all night long. It's harmless foreplay?? No... :/

  7. Wisconsin state law. I went on vacation there and I had to spend a whole week drinking beer and eating cheese and sausages. I mean, I didn't want to go to jail. Right?

  8. OK... the spider thing... could be a real problem. I should blog about the day last week when my running partner and I came back to the gym after our run and found a large spider in the shower... we were the only people in the entire gym so we had to handle it on our own and neither of us was equipped to do so. It was pretty hilarious.

  9. I still blame JIMMY CARTER for my weight gain.

  10. thanks..I'm going to need these tomorrow

  11. Aliens. The Dog did it.
    Birthday Cake? I thought that Birthday Cake was ZERO POINTS!!

  12. Ok, who wears anything (even underwear) when they weigh themselves? I even take off my glasses! But of course I weigh myself at home, I guess it might clear the room if I were at the doctor's office or at a weight watchers' meeting. And Jack, are those your feet on the scale? Nice feet.

  13. You know what I loved the most about this post? That you had all of these ridiculous excuses in a list--and in the middle of that list, you put: "Coworker brought in brownies and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings."

    Kinda highlights how lame some common excuses are, huh?

  14. I like to merge the accidentally drank a glass of water and the increased gravity pull because of the full moon. hahahaha

  15. Lol...have we not all used those excuses as well...
    thanks for visit and in a very happy place right now.
    I have no symptoms of MS ~ have not started remaining positive about my future.

  16. i tell the WW people that i was just conducting scientific research to see what would happen if i ate only dinner rolls and cheesy potatoes for a whole week.

    next week, i'm trying snickers. =)

  17. I am have jetlag, so I eat dinner in EST, PST and CET.. !!


  18. How did u know I use the excuse I drink to much water???lol

  19. * My medication makes my blood heavy. (<-- sadly, this has been used!)

  20. You joke, yet I've struggled with sleep snacking for years. Sleep ate an ice cream sandwich last night (it was one of my diet approved treats, but still).

    Must say, "the regrettable marshmallow incident" must be my favorite. Made me giggle.

  21. Lmao Keila I live in Wisconsin and thats about how it is. I went out and was told water was not allowed. My cup was literally pried from my hands dumped out and replaced with a beer!

  22. ha. the WW conspiracy is one my friends and i have gone over many a weekly weigh in. Somehow we all seem to either gain or loose that .4 freaking lb. lol.

  23. Woah... I think I've accomplished most of that list this afternoon. Not good. ;)

  24. lol. totally used a few of those bad boys

  25. I was weighed with my European Shoulder Bag. ;)

    I hope it's not a WW conspiracy. I have to weigh in today and I wanna see some good loss numbers!

  26. Ooooh, good ones - I'm gonna use some of those!

  27. ...but...but...I DID misplace my muzzle!

  28. Love it but you missed this one.

    Increased atmospheric pressure due to humidity causes scales to weigh heavy.

  29. I blame bill clinton...his constant trips to burger land spurred irrepressible urges for deep fried foods.

  30. "Sleep-eating is a very serious and delicious medical condition."

  31. Gravity IS extra strong on weigh in day...

  32. :-D. Very funny!!! Mine is the truth... friggin change of life hormones! Da*n those things!!!!!

  33. I KNEW that voodoo doll was giving me the evil eye! I knew it!

  34. Ummm...Gravy is extra strong on weigh in day. I'm certain that's it!

  35. OMG these are fabulous! I so wanna steal one as my excuse for this week's weigh-in! :)

  36. oh I'm so glad I'm not the only one with kevlar undies!
