
Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Sweet Smell of Success

Weekly weigh-in: 247.9
Loss: 4.2 lbs
Total loss: 43.6 lbs.
Emotion: Omnipotent

In honor of Father’s Day, I birthed out another solid weigh-in.

I exercised for at least 45 minutes every day of this past week. I went out to eat only one time, and that was at a lunch spot that specializes in home-grown, home-cooked veggies. I had no celebrations, no close calls, no set-backs. Laser beams don’t have the focus I had last week.

Why? I’ll tell you exactly why: I don’t know.

Maybe I’m just in a groove, maybe I’m just forming new, healthier habits or maybe I’m simply enjoying the fact that I’m getting rid of more fat pants than a Casual Male XL during a red-tag sale.

Another reason for my smiley face this weekend is that I finally came up with a semi-wonderful response to that aggravating “Are you losing weight?” question (and it’s a question I’m having to deal with on a more regular basis as time goes on). A guy I haven’t seen in a few months stopped by my office the other day and asked “AYLW?”

I looked at him very somberly and replied deadpan: “Yeah, I’m on a hunger strike until they get this whole election deal in Iran worked out.” The beautiful thing about that response is that it’s got legs… you can customize it, personalize it, localize it… use whatever’s topical to keep from having to get into a discussion about something that I have no interest in talking about (but that I will blog about ‘til the cows come home).

As a few of you have so graciously reminded me, I’ve got some car accessorizing to do today. Not only is the world smelling sweeter these days, the view’s getting quite a bit better as well.


  1. Wow look at you go! Another great WI, keep up the good work!

  2. Great weigh in! I really love your response!

  3. Congrats on another good week. It is too bad we can't figure out why some weeks it is easier to stay on track than others. I think social obligations and stress has to do with it but it could be as simple as getting into the routine of taking good care of yourself. Keep up the good work.

  4. Nice weigh in.

    My response to the AYLW question used to be, 'Yes, and I'm doing it by having wild sex at least 10 times a day. Would you like to volunteer your services?'

    And there I go again...

  5. Excellent...I suppose I might have to start calling you Sensei now...(assumes the crane kick position).

  6. Very impressed, Jack. Good on you!

  7. Gah dang! Great job! I have to figure out how to get back in that mode.

    You should get the Cat Butt air freshener that I got Tricia. It's the sh*t!

  8. Congrats on your awesome loss ... you definitely rocked the scale this week!!

  9. You have lost over 10 lbs in the last 2 weeks. You are a weight loss SUPER HERO!

    Great response....the way things are going over there you can use that one for awhile.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. lol @ birthed.

    Great numbers. Great focus. Great attitude. Great exercise habits. Did I mention the word great?
    Liking the AYLW response. Though I don't get the ARE I get the you SHOULD.

  12. Wooot wooot! Yay on the loss.

    They always want us to feed them the magic weight loss pill, too - after they want to know if we lost weight.

  13. Way to go! What a great gift to give yourself and your kids on Father's Day--a healthier, happier, longer-living YOU.

  14. Congrats on the loss...and THANK YOU for that creative response to the AYLW question. I've been trying to prepare myself for that question, and I just never come up with something nice but evasive. I don't like talking to my acquaintances about my weight loss, although I'll blog about it to perfect strangers. Go figure...

  15. Your blog is cracking me up! Definitely getting added as a fav! Keep up the great work!

  16. I just started following. Is there a story behind the car air freshners? Just wondering...
    Kudos on your GRAND loss!

  17. You're absolutely in a zone all your own!
    Congratulations on that weigh in!

    Love the answer, I'll try that, very good.

  18. MochaTrina, it's from the Milestones listed over on the side of my blog. After losing 40 lbs, I promised to reward myself with a new car freshener for my car. You see, incentives work!

  19. You sure know how to treat yourself on Father's day!! And this is the part of the post that cracked me up this time:
    "Why? I’ll tell you exactly why: I don’t know."
    Why is that funny? I don't know.

  20. Well, I haven't done shit as far as working out goes.

    Way to make me feel like a giant loser. And not in the good way either. ;)

    My gym is less than 3 minutes from my house and it's open 24 hours a day. I'm pretty much screwed as far as excuses for my not going, huh?

    Seriously, keep up the great work!

  21. You make this look too easy!
    Congrats on the huge loss and the freshener!

  22. Rock it, Jack! Smell that sweet, sweet air freshener.


    And snap - me too! :o)

  24. Great loss this week and great job on focusing this week. Keep it up!

  25. Awesome job! And it definatly sounds like you are in the zone! :o)

  26. GREAT LOSS! When you figure out how you stayed so focused this week, share with the rest of us!

  27. That's awesome! Congrats on staying so focused and kicking some butt on the weight loss! :)


  28. LOL...Thanks Jack Sh*t. I guess reading IS fundamental. I see now...LOL.

  29. nice love that loss and the answer...

  30. Congrats on the killer loss! Awesome response too!

  31. You are rockin' it, dude! And I love that response. Maybe mine will be "until the socialist is no longer president." ;-)

    I'm feeling so crappy, I had to come and get a dose of your humor today. :-)
