
Friday, October 5, 2012

Having My Cake And Not Eating It, Too

I spent a few fabulous days at Fitbloggin’ a couple of weeks ago doing a lot of talking about my blog. About how I started it and why. About what it did for me and why. About how other people’s successful journeys steeled my will to set off on my own voyage.

Like most everything, this site has morphed and mutated over time. Most days it’s just an exercise in weight-loss-related silliness (with a thimble full of wise-ass wisdom so I’m not kicked off the bus).

I’m not trying to apologize for representing the lighter side of this whole tryng-to-get-fit frittata, because I honestly think it’s kind of important to crack a smile when you have a long road in front of you.

It’s not even one of those “you gotta laugh to keep from crying” things either; you just gotta laugh because... well... we’re still here and that, if nothing else, that’s a good enough reason to chuckle.

But all this introspection got me looking at my own story and marveling at the juice this place had when I was rockin’ and rollin’ with my healthy self. There was a time, believe it or not, when this site was slanted more to the “Gettin’ Fit” side of my blogitty-blog’s name than the “Jack Sh*t” one.

So I expect this site to take a slight turn back to what pulled me into this world to begin with. Don’t fret... there will still be plenty of gags and goofs (and probably a return of the Jack Sh*t Players now that our contract dispute has finally been settled), but I also hope... and expect... to see a return to my roots.

I want to see Jack Sh*t gettin’ fit again.


  1. You can do it Jack! Looking forward to seeing your progress.

  2. I'll still be here rooting you on :) or loaning you money lol.

  3. So excited for you! and to be along for the ride! Power on!

  4. I must say, that as much as I love the giggles, what I really need in my own journey is your inspiration. So bring it, in you hilariously Jack Sh*t way!!!

  5. Glad u settled that contract. Love the players and I am right there with u on the getting fit tour

  6. Just do it! Hey, I like the way that sounds.........

  7. This will be fun to watch:) And I'm not talking sh*t either. Go Jack - you da man!

  8. Getting fit is always a good thing Jack & I love that we can laugh at you while you do so. Wait...that isn't what I meant. lol :)

  9. Still plenty of gags. Whew! Thank gawd, because I first mid-read that as "plenty of gas". Flatulence will not be tolerated, Jack. Not unless you're in the middle of an ab crunch.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Go get 'em, Jack! And tell those Jack Sh*t players to get back to work.

  12. Just don't lose your great sense of humor and I'll keep coming back.

  13. You're awesome whether you're shooting the shit or getting fit. Get 'er done!

  14. Giggles are well and good but I'm pretty stoked to see a return of the Jack I fell for ... which doesn't sound right at all ....

  15. I've read your blog occasionally when I've seen your posts on the twitter feed. My previous thoughts: you're hilarious and witty, but not fit/healthy motivating. I always know going into your blog that I'm going to laugh my ass off, but that's the only exercise I'll get out of it.
    I just signed up to receive email notifications of upcoming blogs from you. Don't get me wrong, your blogs were never lacking in humor, but humor, wit, honesty, AND motivation? I can't wait to read your next post! @jessroten

  16. Wait, people eat cake for dinner? I need new friends...

  17. I feel the same way after Fitbloggin. As someone said on my blog, it was great for Re-Mojofication!! May we all remojo together. I'm rooting for us.
