
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Raw Food!

Boilin’, boilin’, boilin’
Boilin’, boilin’, boilin’

Boilin’, boilin’, boilin’
Boilin’, boilin’, boilin’

Raw food!

No boilin’, boilin’, boilin’

Got this raw diet rollin’

No cooked chow thru my colon.
Raw food!

Fruit and veggies help me.
I’m hell-bent to be healthy.
But wishin’ my grill was still outside.

All the things I’m missin’,

To improve my own nutrition,

This is the end of things fried.

Microwave, heat ‘em up
Heat ‘em up, microwave
Microwave, heat ‘em up.
Raw food.

Cook ‘em up, roast ‘em all
Roast ‘em all, cook ‘em up.
Cook it up, roast ‘em all.
Raw food!

Keep chewin’, chewin’, chewin’
Keep doing what you’re doing.
Eat that stew without stewin’.

Raw food!

Don’t try to understand it
If it’s cooked then we’ve banned it
And soon we’ll be living not-so-wide.
And since this diet turned up
No dinner has been burned up.

Better health is here at my side.  

Raw food!

Raw food!

If I had actually been on a raw food diet, I might not have had the unfortunate 
incident at the Mexican restaurant over birthday weekend...


  1. I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head all day...thanks Jack :p. I so love reading your parodies!

  2. Back to it!!! Bday is over! ;-) Although this shows how much damage we can do in a short amount of time. Big thing for weight loss - people underestimate the calories & how much they are eating & over estimate calories burned by exercise. We can't out train the food we eat too much of.. saying all this - hope you had a great one!

  3. Parasites are for the birds. Ever watch "Monsters Within" ? #shudder#

  4. when I saw the raw food title I thought this was going to be a reference to the miami Zombie man....ugh....the scale is a damn beyatch

  5. GENIUS!!! I have the original version on my iPod. Yeah, I know that's weird. Use it when I'm running. Like your version better than the original!! THANKS!!

  6. I'm late to the party but happy birthday Jack! All Mexican food and drink related pounds are worth it and easily gotten rid of.

  7. The whole problem is, it wasn't just a regular old 2-day weekend. Oh no, you had to go and have your birthday on a THREE-DAY weekend. That's just asking for trouble. Thanks for bringing up that song. I hummed it through dinner - and ever since.

  8. YOL! (Yeehaw-ing out loud):)

  9. I love this song. Growing up, my dad would play the Blues Brothers Soundtrack and sing along! Mexican will do that to ya, my friend. ;-) But we indulge and then move on...
