
Friday, November 18, 2011

What I Learned From Staring at The Last Supper

For the next few weeks, Jack Sh*t is chronicling his adventures on his recent trip to Italy as well as including tips to help you plan your own international travel. It is his special way of saying "Nanna nanna boo boo, I went to Italy!" to all his loyal readers.

 WWJE? (What Would Jesus Eat?)
There’s a professor at Cornell who has done some interesting research about the link between food and religion.  One of his discoveries was that the portion size of the food--as well as the size of the plates--has increased over the years in depictions of the Last Supper. It’s true; the plate size over the years (from 1000 to 2000) has increased by 66% and serving sizes have increased accordingly.

No I’m Not Going Around!
I also learned that convenience trumps artistic integrity. A portion of the lower part of the work (including Jesus’ legs) were cut away to make room for a doorway. I thought it was just because Leonardo couldn’t paint feet…

Oh Snap!
I also learned that the more important the art, the less likely that they’re going to let you take a picture of it.

Okay, So What About The Next-To-The-Last Supper?
I also learned that if you want to see The Last Supper, you better get your tickets months in advance like my wife Anita did.


  1. I'm thinking fish?
    The Alpha AND the Omega 3!

  2. Good thing the portion sizes weren't that large originally or there would have only been room for 8 disciples at the table.
