
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Noteworthy W.I.D.T.H.'s

Truth to tell, I never envisioned the kind of response I've gotten when I asked for folks to send me their reasons (via note card or reasonable facsimile) for losing weight and/or getting more healthy. They came pouring in, and there's been a steady stream of them ever since. I don't know about you, but I find them wonderfully inspirational, so much raw emotion boiled down to a tiny little card. Thanks for everyone who has contributed so far and everyone who's going to send me one in the very near future *hint hint*. Email your note (along with a blog link if you want it included) to


  1. I love this segment. Your blog is the biggest pick-me-up!

  2. LOVE!!!!

    Jack, I have been meaning to send you one of these FOREVER and I PROMISE by next Saturday I will!!!

  3. Wow. Just wow. And I am getting mine ready to send.
