
Saturday, April 16, 2011

I'm Not W.I.D.T.H.-holding Anything

 Got a fresh load of new W.I.D.T.H. (Why I Do This Here) pics this week for two reasons: (1) readers responded to my passionate plea to jot down their reason(s) for their personal weight-loss/healthy living journeys and send them to me and (2) I checked my Spam folder. 

If (I mean "when) you send me your pic, please be sure to put 'WIDTH", "LOTTERY WINNER" or "PENIS ENLARGEMENT" in the subject line so that it doesn't get snarfed up by my state-of-the-fart spam filter. Email me at





  1. I always love these Jack. I sent you one a million years ago - off to search for it in your archives to see what it was I wrote!

  2. Love these weekly inspirations. Thank you. Hope you had a great week...I finally lost 3 lbs. Yay me!

  3. My favorite post of the week. Thanks Jack!!!

  4. OMG I'm on Jack's Blog! I thought this would be scary...and it is a little....but It's AWESOME to know I finally did it!

  5. Kimmi has the BEST reaction~I'M ON JACK'S BLOG! WOW! :)

  6. Thanks, Jack! :) These posts are always so inspirational.

  7. I keep my WIDTH in a prominent place to remind me of how far I've come and that 3kg is nothing to get back there! I'm going to convince my partner to go for a walk with me and the dog this afternoon.
