
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

An Offer You Can’t Refuse

I still like my blog, but I’ll be the first to admit that something’s missing these days.

Last year, I had an amazing run of weekly weigh-ins and felt as though there were some sort of magic, manic energy that infused the site.

Now that I’m thisclose to my goal weight, the intensity isn’t always there. I still want to lose weight… still want to get fit… but it doesn’t seem to be the driving force behind what I do each day.

Please don’t misunderstand me: I’m happy to no longer be obese, no longer be overweight, but…

Well, actions speak louder than words.

I want someone else to lose weight on Jack Sh*t, Gettin’ Fit.

I want someone who’s having trouble getting it done on their own to share their journey with me.

I want to be the Bodfather.

I’ve already tried it with a couple of individuals, just sharing email encouragement and support. However, it petered out in both cases because I think I made it too easy for them to blow it off.

This time… this time it’ll be a Family affair. I want to share someone’s journey with the folks that hang out over here.

Here’s how it would work: you email me at jacksh.tgettinfit(at)gmail(dot)com and express your interest. If we can agree on some basic rules, I’ll train the JSGF spotlight on you and let you share the support and encouragement of some of the most fantastic readers you could ever hope to find.

Make no mistake; it won’t be easy. I can be a very demanding goombah, and I’m gonna make you share your weight, your measurements, your photos, everything. And I'm going to stay after you like nobody's business.

We’ll celebrate with you as you reach every milestone and we will help you to your feet whenever you stumble. I don’t have any silver bullets for you, but I’ll be in your corner every round.

That’s the carrot, and here’s the stick: if you quit on me, well… if I told you what I’m going to do to you in that event, I’d have to kill you.

Weight loss is the Family business, and I’d like to be your Bodfather.



  1. photos... i think not

    yes i'm a coward. but I think you're doing an amazing thing. i guess i would have expected you to without knowing it :)

  2. Oh mighty BODFATHER....How cool is that! Everyone needs to get off their horse's ass -- I mean get out of their horse's head to get them out of bed and moving....

  3. Silly question but now that you are so close to your goal, you could also start talking about maintenance and such, do comparisons to where you were last yr to where you are now and then if you want to be Bodfather to someone else, do that too.

    As a more recent follower of your blog, I am getting used to your "voice" so to speak (type).

  4. Wow what a cool idea Jack. You know I would love to help someone out if I could. How about you send your runner up my way to see if I can help out in anyway. But then who would want me over you lol, I'd be the booby prize lol.

  5. Jack, can we talk? I just emailed you. If anyone is circling the drain right now, it's me. You are a unique and wonderful blogger!

  6. You rock BODFATHER ;-) I may have to submit something after I get off that damn crusie ship ;0), just kidding I'll behave....maybe ;-)

  7. Awesome idea Jack. To me, this is the VERY type of thing that we should be doing for each other!

  8. I think you should pick 2 ppl and have a contest! I know I have the best Ideas. I have been a fan from very early like double digit gfc (google followers)I just wanted to say your such an inspiration.

  9. This is a great idea Jack! This is why I love the blog world. People all chipping in to help each other.

  10. This is so awesome! Can't wait to meet the luck person!

  11. Bodfather. Um. I kinda love you for making that up.

  12. I would volunteer, but you scare Plus, I need to lose over 100 lbs and I am very boring. Gracie :)

  13. great idea Jack- can't wait to see who the lucky person is and stop by to cheer them on! :)

  14. Yeah... this is great! Can't wait to see!

  15. I have lost 94.6 pounds as of yesterday and have only another 27 or so pounds to go to my goal. Otherwise, I'd totally go for it!

    You already help, with your e-mails and blog postings and comments on my blog. Thank you so much.

    p.s. I think picking two people and having them contest it out is a good idea.

    Vee at

  16. Great idea Bodfather!!! Can't wait to meet the lucky person, and follow their success!

  17. No spotlight for me, but it will be fun to watch. Love the "Bodfather"!

  18. Ok
    *deep breath*

    I just entered myself!

    Pick Me!

  19. Why stop at two? Why not have your own version of The Biggest Loser?
    The Biggest Shitter, perhaps?

  20. The Bodfather is a great idea...Nice.

  21. SUCH a cool idea Jack, really. See? A gent. An absolute gent.

  22. I just emailed. Crossing my fingers!

  23. That's awesome! I look forward to seeing your next protege (s). :)

  24. this idea terrifies me, frankly--I can hardly admit my weight to my friends, let alone the entire world...But as I have Anti-Jared like weight to lose, I am seriously considering this--I'm already on a good 3 week run of consistent exercise... O_o

  25. I think you should pick at least four people we follow. Like a little soap opera....And it would keep it more entertaining. We aren't all as lively as you. I'd submit, but you will make me show my face, and I'm just still too insecure. But, oh, how I'd love to spar some emails back and forth with you. After reading your emails between your LifeCoach and you...I could only imagine! What fun!

  26. Hey...and by the way, tough guy. I think you should also meet your goal and not try to distract us away from you! You don't fool me mister!

    Go on with the good deed and all...but keep focusing on your improvement,too, pal!

  27. I sent you an email and would love to get involved in this. Do you know when you will choose your apprentice?

    Thanks for you consideration,
