
Wednesday, August 18, 2010



  1. Genius as always Mr. Sh*t! And yes, I often flipped the bird so the picture could not be shown to everybody around. It was my defense mechanism!

  2. Big irony in this post for me. As I drove to work this morning I kept thinking about how much I'm going to HATE the vacation pictures next week and wondered if I'll ever have a vacation where I'm at peace with my weight and my looks.

  3. Funny you should mention cheese.
    What a small world.
    (But I wouldn't want to have to paint it!)

  4. I love these posts! Yes, I dread having my picture taken and when forced to do so I try to hide everything from the neck down so it won't be seen in the pictures. How sad is that?!

  5. That really hit home. I have recently been thinking about how I avoid the camera. I have a grandchild now. She will be 7 months old this week and I have tons of pictures of her but not many at all with her and I in them. I think, what if I die, she will not have pictures of her granny who loved her so much. Ok, more incentive to keep this journey going. THANK YOU! HAVE A GREAT DAY, SH*T.

  6. *furtively tosses the Laughing Cow foil away*

  7. Haha, love this whole take a picture to tell a story idea. I might have to steal your idea sometime. Kudos.

  8. One of my very first posts as a blogger was about just this very topic. But in just four short months, we are having family photos taken. I plan to be happily at my goal weight by then and feeling great to be photographed for all eternity:)

  9. Hey did Nikon pay you to make your index card camera their brand? ;)

  10. Funny that once you get to a point you ask people to take your picture, still shocks the hell out of my husband!
    Great post Jack, keep smiling!

  11. Love it!!!! This is so me!!!!

  12. I have such a hard time coming up with photos from after I gained weight unless they were forced family shots.

    Now I enjoy smiling because I'm happy. But don't take my cheese...I can't have sugar I'm going to have cheese!

  13. Love it and yes I can't find enough pics to even post many before shots. Sad really. Now I'm pic happy. I don't want to forget where I've been when I get where I'm going!

  14. :) great post- I always said ABOVE THE WAIST!!! I never wanted my lower half in the pic! lol

  15. I love my camera --- but I'm always behind the camera....
    I still judge myself when i'm in the photo...

    But I'm trying to be kinder, trying to be braver.... trying being the operative word.

    See especially the annotated photo of me in a bikini:

  16. You are awesome! Your posts are motivating and fun. Thanks!

  17. Where'd you get that Captain Highliner coffee mug? I quite like it.

  18. Cute. And yes, there are very few pics of me "back then". I'm still getting over being camera shy...

  19. Loved it! I avoid cameras all the time unless it's me taking the picture and I can take it again and again until I get one that looks halfway decent. But the reason I avoid them isn't because I'm overweight, it's just because I'm really unphotogenic. And I'm afraid that's not something that's going to change...

  20. I have so been that person running from the camera as soon as it comes out. God forbid the pictures land on facebook! AAAAHHH! Hoping to have less and less of those moments with my continues success! Great post!

  21. How timely! I was just thinking about how I have gotten so much better about getting my picture taking and even looking to take them
    :-o Thanks for your eternal wit Jack! It is a great gift!

  22. You just got me to a T! I grew up hating cameras due to my weight. I never got comfortable in front of them & even to this day take horrible pics.. I can't get comfortable.... very bad for me! All the great photos missed. I best revisit this for myself.

    Thx Jack!

    PS: I can't do cheese - good thing! :-) I love swiss cheese!

  23. When a camera comes out, I've gotten quite good over the years of jutting my chin out just so (helps with avoiding a double chin in the picture even though I have one). Or, turning to the side so as to appear less wide. Will be a happy day for me when I can forget all about trying to fool the camera with un-natural angles and just face it head-on.

  24. Thanks for the smile this morning.

  25. Where, oh WHERE has your blog been all my life? I daresay you are almost as off your rocker as me... it's a tall (rather- wide) order, but I think you may have won me over with your obscene use of note cards and scrap paper! Loving it!!!

  26. I was just talking about that yesterday. I hate pics of myself and am doing so many more fun things now. But I want to remember myself THERE and not just observing it all. I keep trying to remind myself that it's just a pic and it shows a difference and will continue showing improvements.

  27. That is exactly how I am feeling about camera's and photos right now.Having family portraits done in 2 weeks for an anniversary gift for my parents. I stepped on a friends scale today only to see I am now only 21 pounds away from being 300. I sooo dread the picture day :( And yet I have not been able to get myself to DO anything about my weight. Thankyou for your blog I love it!

  28. as we have sort of discussed on EJ...I don't think that I saw how heavy I was until I started losing weight. However, for the longest time, when I was really focused on losing weight, I would nit pick everything wrong with my body.

    It's interesting to come to a place where you love you're body/photograph the way that it is.

    Cheesy and all
