
Monday, August 2, 2010

Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200

If you missed my weigh-in yesterday, here’s a short recap: I suck.

Apparently, a reasonably high activity level doesn’t give you a blank check to eat anything you want, especially if what you want to eat happens to be a lot of the stuff you’ve been just saying “no” to for months and months.

The numbers on my scale have been a bit skewed of late, because my initial descent below the magic 200-lb line came at the expense of more muscle mass than was probably good for me. I was so anxious to hit “199” that I took the easy way down (if two hours a day of intense cardio can realistically be classified as “easy”).

Once I started in on the strength training (and I still don’t hit the weights as much as I probably should due to… okay, due to the fact that I suck), I noticed that (a) the scale was roller-coastering all over the place and (b) if anything, my pants were getting even looser.

Thanks to my Philips DirectLife activity monitor, I can tell you that I burned an average of just over 1,600 calories a day last month. The flip side is that the increase in activity has come with a spike in my appetite.

And most troubling of all, a tendency to eat even when I know I’m not really hungry.

I don’t need a doctor or dietician to tell me the underlying cause of all this: that’s right, I suck.

But as of today, the sucking is stopping.

I’m going to keep talking the talk, but I plan to accompany that with a little walking of the walk.

Eat less.

Exercise more.

Stop sucking.

It's go-time!


  1. This is so me today too. I have got to stop monkeying around and get serious. Again. Sigh.

  2. I so needed this today! I too, am sucking. I can't find that drive to keep going and it's costing me pounds in progress.

    So today, it's time to stop sucking.

  3. Glad to hear it! You DONT suck..something you have taught me over the last year! COMMIT! Not the number on the scale..but commit...It's NOT a trade off...its ALL part of your life!

  4. I could have told you about the activity thing. I can out-eat all the running I do, no problem. Of course then I'm miserable because my running pace slows. But you're very wrong. You do not suck. You're still working your way through this, figuring it out. I have total faith that you'll find your way.

  5. You do not suck! You are human, life gets in the way and some days this journey blows chunks ;)

    Keep on keepin' on, Jack! It will all come together for you!

  6. At least all of this sucking is happening in good company (...OK, that just sounds wrong). I'm coming off a similar experience as well except that your scale is being much kinder (hard to believe, I know!).

  7. Just like my great grandmother use to say "it will pass". I always think of that when im having a hard time.

    Its definitely go time! You can do it!

  8. You don't suck! If anything, you probably blow. What the heck does that mean?

    As always, I digress. My point is just keep forging ahead. You know what to do.

  9. If you feel hungry and know that you're not, you might be dehydrated. Drink more water.

    If your weight is going up and your pants are getting looser, keep doing what you're doing and ditch the scale. You've got more muscle and less fat. That's what you should aim for, not a number on the scale. At 199, you probably had more fat than you do now.

    And stop saying that you suck. You don't.

  10. you mean youre Human?! i had no most def do not suck jack. you know what to do, now do it! :-D

  11. Hang in there...this gives us all a chance to pay you back for all the encouragement you've given us since you started your blog. It's going to be a great, healthy week!

  12. You're not alone! I'm an active person. I run, I walk, I move all the time. The result is an insatiable appetite :( The more I run, the hungrier I get.

  13. I agree with New Me. You can't fault yourself too much when you pants are getting looser. Inches are a better indicator than pounds in my opinion.

    Here is something to stick in your craw and mull over. At the peak of his bodybuilding career, Arnold Schwarzenegger was 235lbs and 6′2″. This made his BMI 30.2; obese, according to the World Health Organization’s classification system.

  14. Keep on going!! It's all we can do. Just enjoy the ride with all of it's ups and downs!

  15. Well. My excuse for bad eating was that my best friend had a baby last week. And then she texted me this morning to tell me she was already back down to her pre pregnancy weight.

    So much for my excuses.

  16. Holy Shit, Jack! I was going to click the WTF button - but that wasn't because your post sucks, but because apparently your inner critic has taken control of your mind and body! Self-flagellation does NOT burn extra calories.

    As a writing-group colleague once said - you've gotta shut up that assholian bastard. (She created "assholian" especially for the inner critic.)

    The real Jack knows that balance is the key. The real Jack knows not to work out so much and to go berserk with food denial. The real Jack is in there - and he doesn't suck!

  17. It's all in the mind Jack. you don't suck, far from it. Don't say 'no' to food that you love that's the key! Check out my link that I posted today on learning to think like a thin person. You might find it useful xxxx

  18. Is this bad Wayne??? I think there has been a blog takeover!

  19. "Apparently, a reasonably high activity level doesn’t give you a blank check to eat anything you want". Ugh, sighs, tell me about it. I'm definitely having that same issue, myself!

  20. I want a Stop-Sucking bumper sticker.

  21. No name calling necessary! You got it under control. It's all good.

  22. i totally want a tshirt that says "stop sucking. it's go time!" hahahaha =)

  23. You don't suck! I'm in the same position as you are. Except I have not yet got it through my head that strength training is necessary.

    At least you get support on your blog. Me? I lose followers. :o(

  24. Less suckage is a good thing - at least in this situation.

  25. But if a doctor or therapist said you suck, you get a plaque AND they make you pay. That's so much better than yelling at yourself in the basement.

  26. It is go time and if you start sucking again i'm totally gonna kick your butt, don't say i didn't warn you!
    I'm back Jack, i hope you missed me ;-)

  27. Nice - I look forward to seeing your stellar progress resume as usual - since if there's one thing that you've proven yourself good at it's that walking malarkey - you've got that down :o)

  28. The good news is, all you have to do is return to your good habits and you'll get your mannish figure right back. :)

  29. Funny that you wrote this... "Oh man I suck" was the last thing I posted on my twitter.

    After recently jumping back on the wagon, I fell off, attrociously (sp?).

    Well back at it tomorrow, I suppose....

  30. I can offer some Jody bitch*ng if you need that too! :-)

    You go Jack. I have no doubt you will be back where you were before vacation soon!

  31. Honesty never sucks.

  32. Join the club...the Joy Suck Club, that is.

  33. God. You're making me feel guilty for you.

  34. Look what you've already achieved!!! You don't suck at all!!

  35. I hear ya! I've been craving way too much to satisfy my sweet tooth. Yesterday, I put my foot down. I'm 1.5 days into my no sweets crackdown, and it's tough. Especially when a co-worker brings in a big box of freshly made, sticky sweet, donuts and pastries.

    But we can do it!!

  36. There comes a point of diminishing returns with exercise just for weight loss. I've found that when I ratchet up to the crazy for distance races, I have to be VERY VERY VERY careful or I can outeat all the work I've done + some, and the appetite doesn't always go away when the training goes back to normal. Just make sure you're eating ENOUGH of the good stuff and getting enough exercise to create a sane calorie deficit.

    Yeah I know, I'm captain obvious today. :)

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