
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Something You May Not Know About Me...

Weekly weigh-in: 206.6
Loss: -0.9
Total loss: -86.2
Emotion: On a roll


I’m going to tell you a secret.

Sometimes, I’m really terrible at this weight loss business.

I seldom if ever track my calories. I have a loosey-goosey way of going about this dieting business. I believe that if I maintain a very active lifestyle incorporating a great deal of exercise, I should be able to eat what I want, as long as what I want to eat isn’t a wheelbarrow filled with Cheeto’s or something equally unhealthy.

And I don’t have a real coherent plan on the exercise front, other than to try to get some exercise every day. I try to mix it up… weights, running, elliptical, basketball, swimming… it’s pretty much whatever I feel most like doing that day. Except for days when I don’t feel like doing anything, in which case it’s the thing that I feel like not doing the least, if that makes any sense.

But here’s the thing: I’m not grossly overweight anymore. I’m not obese anymore. I’m not even overweight anymore. I’ve still got work to do, but my margin for error is getting razor-thin.

My daughter Holly celebrated her 18th birthday this week, and I celebrated with her… a little too much. Too much sodium kept me from the kick-ass weigh-in I so richly deserved from all the sweat I sweated. I can tell from how tight my wedding ring is right now that I’m holding on to water weight like nobody’s business.


I’m going to keep it in overdrive, keep powering forward for all that I’m worth.

I hope you will, too, because we’ve still got work to do.


  1. OMG...a wheelbarrow filled with Cheetos. My weakness.

    Don't try and fool us, you know what you are doing and how to do it; you've done a great job over this last year or so, give yourself some credit!

  2. I am glad that you celebrated your daughters birthday..that's more important than a pound less. But I think what you've said is SO important. i think that people are looking for the MAJOR plan/diet/thought pattern..when it's really about balance. IT'S ALWAYS about balance. Thanks for writing this and remember to aim for the target.

  3. you don't count calories? or points?

    how do u know you are moving more than you are eating? I'm just asking because my post yesterday was about how i have to track what i eat more consistently, and i've always so sucked at that part...

    if you were successful without this is serious, not sarcastic:)

  4. Isn't sodium a pain in the ass?! My fingers look like sausages the morning after a Chinese take out dinner. But, Jack, you've kicked this before and you will kick it again and if you give it a day or two (drink lots of water to flush that sodium out of your system) you will probably be down another pound.

  5. I've been working on it since January really hard. I am no good at it either. School is totally kicking my butt. Finances prevent me from even being able to afford salad! Frozen pizza, seriously??? I can't eat that and I know it, but I ate it last night because meals around here have become nothing more than something to stave off hunger. I can't wait until I graduate and get a job...I'm hitting the West Side Market, buying fresh fruits & veggies (and meats for the hubs and his son) and calling it a day! God I'm jonesing for a salad.

  6. I like this attitude....Except the days I don't feel like something, in which case it’s the thing that I feel like not doing the least,
    It makes TOTAL sense to me.... My weigh in today...Let's just say I'm on a roll today too!
    (Thanks for your inspirations! They helped ALOT recently)

  7. I think that you do whatever works for you! :) You are right we still have work to do, in my case, lots! :)

  8. Are you sure TOM isn't at your house visiting? He puffs me up! Lol

    Good job on the loss, and all of the exercise! If you have gotten this far on your journey and lost 80+ pounds you gotta be doing something right! Right? :) WTG Jack!

  9. You jusr sent my lightbulb into the on switch! I have been retaining weight too. I totally forgot we ate chinese on friday. I was good but I have been so not able to get my rings on since. That and I have gained 4 lbs overnight. I know my eating habit are good and I have been exercising so that must be what it is. That and the damn*ed MSG!!
    Thanks Jack. I needed that!

  10. Sometimes this journey sucks. You've done well. Just gotta keep gettin on it. Perhaps be on it during the week and a little off it on the weekend. I think that it was normal people do. Not sure though...I am not normal.

  11. Good work this week! I'm looking forward to making this a stellar week too..

  12. What a reasonable and long-term point of view! I think it is great that you are comfortable with your progress that you can relax a bit on the diligence (which can be stressful), yet also keeping your eye focused on any areas where you might be slipping. Good balance.

  13. I do it this way too. But, after 'Maintenance' for a couple of weeks, my razor thin margin becomes wider. I give myself a five pound range in maintenance. Then when I hit the 'high' number I go back to LoseIt mentality. At first this means every other day. But now I can pretty much eat what I want. I have to be fairly reasonable, but treats are allowed. Oh and I still exercise as much as I can.

    I'm resting in maintenance mode since my life was full of stress and sorrow and other sobbing things. It makes life much less anxious.

  14. As long as you know what works for you, you can't go wrong. Having fun at your daughters birthday party is great! I really hate to hear people who obsess over calories/points when it's a family celebration. I'm not saying to go way over but maybe just relax, believe you know what your doing and have fun :)

  15. A wheelbarrow filled with Cheeto’s is definitely a diet wrecker. But if one must reck a diet,is there a better way to do it?

  16. I like how you aren't being complacent, but at the same time understanding that it's ok to enjoy good non-dieting food.

  17. thanks Jack. I'm hoping some of your energy will rub off... SOON!

  18. Good job, Jack! I finally got my eating plan back on this week. Hadn't weighed in awhile, but if you go by my last weigh in before the final binge I'm down 2.2. We can do this!

  19. You have done great JS and you are aware & accountable and consistent.. important things! It is a life long journey for sure... one I have never & will never go off of... that is what I have learned...

  20. To be honest. It is refreshing to know you struggle too. Prior to week 46 you were a machine of loss. Superman.

    Just out of curious, what is an ideal weight for you. Are you close?

    Gain or loss you continue to be a source of funny inspiration to us all. Keep it up.

  21. For me I definitely got work to do. I love your approach of your weight loss journey, it's the way I do it: eat healthy and exercise. No diets, no counting, I get a grumpy old woman when I do that.

    But unlike you I still don't workout enough and don't eat healthy all the time. I'm impressed by your journey.
    I read your posts daily but hardly ever comment, will do that more often as you inspire me.

  22. It's amazing how one day, or one weekend, of bad eating can mess you all up. The main thing is to put it right going forward and like you said, "Keep it in overdrive" - good saying!

  23. Hey, you still had a loss! I hear you though, the closer you are to your proper weight, the more you have to watch out for overindulgence.

    Still, I like your thinking. I used to track obsessively, but eventually, my psyche would just BLOW UP... and then I'd go too far in the other direction. Now I'm trying to be more real about it. The eating is not too bad, but I do need to get more active now.

    You know, I used to eat Cheetos by the wheelbarrow full, or close... but now they kind of just disgust me. At any rate, I rarely want them.

    Keep inspiring us! Heaven knows I need all the inspiration I can get to keep healthier habits going.

  24. I use my wedding ring to tell me if I'm retaining water or not too! Congrats on the weight loss mister!

  25. I'm going to try the wedding ring trick to check my sodium/fluid retention. Thanks for the idea! And to party and lose .9 pounds in the same week? If that's failure I need to fail like you!

  26. It's so good to have someone around this weight loss crowd who just gets along living life to the full and not getting into knots over every little detail.

    You hare successful, your stats prove it, how you look proves it and your everyday life proves it.

    It's my birthday tomorrow, I don't know whether I'm old enough to be your grandmother but you can celebrate with me. I'll be 71 years old and have lost 9 kg, that's a few ounces short of 20 pounds for the metrically challenged, since mid January this year.

    All I ask is that you please celebrate without overdoing the sodium. I have become ultra sensitive to it and it's a right pain. I don't need the distraction of swollen feet and fingers.

    Tomorrow, or the next day, I'm sending a W.I.D.T.H.

  27. Yes, I'm sure you just had a salt-filled moment. You were the one who scolded me not to half-way do anything! I'm sure you have been kicking butt. Way to go, you deserved to celebrate with your family! Keep up the good work!

  28. Is Holly the real name of your daughter?

  29. I'd imagine your belt is a better indicator than the scale at this point...

  30. Good post, as always, but may I bitchslap you in the face?!?!?! Enough of this sh*t!!! Too many post of you doing the wrong thing. Dude, you need to get back on track! Maybe you need a good kick in the arse?
    I see what you are doing, I'm the same. I fall off the waggon too - Once we are in the wrong road... it's hard to stop. BUT STOP!!


    )f you want to get to know your grandchild, and be able to play with him/her- STOP IT!!! Sorry if I sound harsh, but dude, I think you need it. Snap out of it, OK???

  31. I dream about wheelbarrows full of Cheetos, I swear. Yum. Salt & cheese. And then I wake up drenched in a cold sweat from the knowledge that I just happily dreamed of adding 40 lbs back on.

    Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  32. Like you, I've definitely changed my approach in the last few months, to be more balanced, and to not freak out if I miss a day at the gym, to work out doing what I want to do, rather than punishing myself daily, and to not beat myself up if I had a "bad" food day. I think it's about balance and moderation. Why should life be a drag?

    Great post, as usual. :)

  33. I kinda share the same philosophy. I think if I had to count every calorie ingested or burned, I'd have hopped off this ride a long time ago. I'm just not a math person, or overly obsessive (except when it comes to my food being symmetrical. I am a "little" weird about that).
