
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Unleash Your Inner Warrior


  1. You didn't really call me a sissy did you? Them are fighting words!

  2. I needed that today! Thanks Jack. :)

  3. ooooo that's just what i needed this morning... i haven't been doing really much of anything to lose weight lately! i needed that kick in the a$$!!

  4. umm did you read my blog last night and then write this? cause it seems like you did. haha. thanks for a great message. will be putting quotes from this on my mirror. =)

  5. Exactly the kick in the ass that I needed today! Thanks! :)

  6. I have been thinking this very thing ever since Ashley called herself the Pink Ninja on the Biggest Loser. I wanna be a Pink Ninja!

  7. Yes, it is tough! Fact of life but payoff.. great!

  8. When the going gets tough the tough get going :)

  9. You look a little constipated with the "It's in your soul" card. Are you okay? Yikes. :-)

  10. I want your helmet! So awesome!

  11. I'm not scared of you.......
    ok yes I am - got it loud and clear Jack :-)

  12. I live in Minnesota - your helmet would fit right in!

    Seriously, thanks for the push. I've been sticking to my training plan, and have been putting in the work, but I can -always- use a push to work harder!

  13. Got it, Jack. Thanks! Good reminder for me.

  14. Yea.....I needed to hear this, been sitting here for the last 20 minutes trying to find excuses for NOT going to the gym. I'm tired, I have a headache, and I'm hungry (as usual) but I"m getting my ass off the couch and going. Thanks to the viking helmet, it really inspired me. :)

  15. So needed that this morning. Just right on the timing!

  16. well....since you pulled out the VIKING hat, I suppose you mean business. FINE, I'll find a mid-day spin class for the one I ditched last night cause I had a headache. FINE JACK!

    Thanks for the kick in the pants

  17. Thanks for the reminder Jack. Wish I had a cool viking hat like that lol.

  18. What ... no boobie protectors? My inner warrior needs boob protection. Got any of those? :D

  19. I'm doing it, I'm with you...I'm with you!!!!!!!!

  20. I've been trying to tell myself the same thing this week. I'm tough with the exercise but a sissy with the healthy eating and the scale is proof. Definitely needed someone else to give me a kick in the *ss to get back on track.
    Thanks Jack!

  21. Oh, Them's fightin' words!

    haha. Thank you for this post you reminded me that I can work much harder than I have been.

  22. just the kick in the @ss that I needed today...along with a side of giggling. Thank you!

  23. I'm supposed to be offended/inspired/girded up by being told I'm a girl? I thought you LIVED with girls man.

  24. What's impressive is that you happen to own cool hats like that to pull out at a moment's notice for stuff like this. ;)

  25. LOVE your blog and your enthusiastic wit! I will be visiting often! I have a long journey in front of me but I will get there!!

  26. Hey! I ain't no sissy! Put 'em up... I'll knock you're block off...
    Haha I needed this today. thanks!

  27. I really really really liked this. Thanks for the swift kick in the @$$, Jack.

  28. You're right - and carrying a 10 lb or so pack yesterday while biking made me realize just how much I actually want to shed this last 10 lbs. :P

    BTW - love the hat!!!

  29. Loved this post! Finding my inner warrior IS my goal right now.'re helping me

  30. I found my inner warrior but my viking hat is pink.

  31. How do you always know what I need to hear??? Thxs

  32. You have very motivating handwriting.. it pumps me UP!

  33. With my spear and magic helmet!!!!!!


  34. I am loving that helmet on you!! So needed that post. You are such the motivator.

  35. I was just killing time on the computer, putting off going for a bike ride.

    Thanks. I think it's time for the ride. Just a boring bike helmet for me.

  36. Damn. You just saw me take that bite of chocolate cake, didn't you. OK, OK - I hear you!!

  37. Ouch! Thanks for the kick in the pants...keeping focused is tough work.

  38. I love the hat. I should get one to wear while doing all this damned editing. Need some tough mental muscle.

    First, time to get the sweat on and tend to the physical muscle. :)

  39. Heading out for a power walk in 90 degree weather....Who you callin a sissy?

  40. My Inner Warrior can kick your Inner Warriors ass!

  41. *sigh*

    OK. Straighten my shoulders, stand at attention and salute.

    'Yes sir, Jack Sh*t'

    I live in a mine field but I will gird my loins, pick up my shield, and go do battle with resources from deep within.

    Don't read my last post, it was such a whine.

    Thanks for making me smile again.

  42. Thanks!! Now can you just show up at my door and drag my ass out to exercise?? ~ Steph

  43. My warrior is hiding under the bed and refusing to come out.

    We'll try again tomorrow.

  44. Not sure about my inner warrior, but my inner bitch is in full force this week! Grrrr... :)

  45. needed to read that today, thankyou ...

    i need my inner warrior these next few weeks, 33 days to my black belt grading weekend... and for a former morbidly obese gal, it means the world to me. i even suprise me some days

    Sonja, australia.

  46. i am considering myself told!!

    plus i love a man in a viking helmet giving me orders

  47. I can't believe you just called me a sissy. Them's fightin' words! I think you just threw down the proverbial gauntlet that will kick my ass back into gear.

  48. Can you personally send me one of these every week til I get my act together please? this post.

  49. I need that helmet. Then, and ONLY then, will I be a true warrior. ;D

  50. You know what?! The other day I did my "please God, kill me now" leg workout that I really should do more often if I want my legs to actually look good. I decided to be tough. And as a result, two days later, I try to run to get something at work, and I look like I have something seriously wrong with me. That's what I get for being tough. :P

  51. Inner warrior or inner viking? lol. Great post Jack...needed that. Love the hat and I'm with Fit...where's the boobie protectors? lol
