
Monday, May 24, 2010

Please Give a Hand to the Jack Sh*t Players...


  1. LOL! Men and their toys... ;)

    At one time, I thought that diet pills were the answer. Now, of course, I know that the old-fashioned way is the best way.

    Where were those scary players when I needed them??!!

  2. Love the scary players! Excellent post Jack :)

  3. LMAO

    You always give me a good laugh.

  4. So serious. And yet so deliciously scary.

  5. that is sooo true! people get sucked into those diet pills without having any idea what the side effects could be... and half the time, the stupid things don't really work anyways! good message!

  6. I love you JS!!!! And I always love the message behind the madness!!!! Love the use of "the finger" too! :-)

  7. Another hit. Another post that was a great message that speaks to me wrapped up in . . . fingerpuppets. Love it.

  8. This post had me rolling. Thanks so much for the good laugh.

    But I do have to say that I disagree. I think if someone is informed and does know the side effects vs. the benefits that there are times diet pills can be a valid tool.

    Just because you supplement your weight loss with a diet pill does not mean that you are not still doing it the hard way. I started using adipex (phentermine) and it was the right thing to give me a good kick in the arse. It is what I needed to get me into gear.

    But I do know what you mean at the same time. There are no quick fixes and to many people believe that they can just take a pill and magically lose weight.

    I still have to eat right and exercise. It is still very tough and a long road to my goal. It is by no means the easy way out. It is just another tool in my arsenal. Just my opinion.

    Rock it, live it, own it!

  9. Hahaha..."give a hand..." you're so punny, Jack! :-)

  10. Actually, Lisa makes a very good point. I was speaking to the idea that a pill can solve all your problems, but I threw the baby out with the bathwater. Thanks for evening out the teeter-totter..

  11. Oh man! I LOVE this one Jack (not only the message BUT also the "special effects!")



  12. LOL! I missed these guys! Glad they're back:)

  13. i too missed these guys!

    i saw my mom take diet pills when i was younger..and she has been morbidly obese all her life.

    never been tempted, since i could see for myself they didn't work for her.

    i am sure they work for some people, but honestly, in this day and age of information overload on dieting, eating right, moving right, i'm always surprised there is still such a huge (pardon the pun) market for them..

    thanks for the PSA though!

  14. Sadly, I'm more afraid of being fat than I am of ruining my digestive system. How screwed up am that I would rather be skinny with a colostomy bag than wearing a size 18? Pathetic.

  15. I'll hang on to my hand, thank you very much, but I will give them a standing ovation and applause. Besides you seem to have your hands full with those guys. Good job, Jack, good job.

  16. LOL! That was hilarious! I just found your blog and I am loving it!


  17. I always love to see those guys put on a finger show- but I loved this post!

    Just because someone pops a pill to try to lose weight does not guarantee that they will change their bad habits. That for me took time.

    I would guess poopy pants don't scare some people enough. lol

  18. Very apt, considering I'm starting my 3 month trial on Alli on Wednesday!!

  19. Hi Jack. Been there. Luckily it washed out of the bedding.

    Bearfriend xx

  20. I love the Jack Sh*t players! Great message and reminder that we need to get back to basics and learn how to get healthy wihtout just taking a pill and not changing our lifestyles.

  21. Thanks for the PSA!

  22. that was adorable!!!! and true....sometimes I get that little voice in my head suggesting a pill or "supplement". I guess we all do, until we come to the harsh realization that the only thing that works is changing the way we eat and sticking with it consistently...and moving more! Oh the humanity!

  23. I took a doctor prescribed pill called Adipex. A week after starting it, I was in the hospital (I'm 27) having a medication-induced heart attack. They told me to stop the medication right away because I was dying.

  24. For a minute there, I thought I was having a bad acid flashback. LOL. But even that would be better than the kind of liquid flatulence I, er, *my friend* once experienced on a certain unnamed diet pill.

    Thanks for the giggles.

  25. hahahah! You are so funny and creative!

  26. Eating 7 Vitatops was just slightly less wrong.

    Who's on the phone all the time when all this nonsense is going on? :D

  27. this is the most awesome way I have ever seen someone make a point. really. Cool. Awesome. And true. Diet pills are lies.

  28. The players are good. Take a bow while I applaud.

  29. I love your posts with The Players. This was great. I know a few people who are looking for that quick fix and I just can't get through to them. *sigh*

  30. Awe, Jack. You and your players are all thumbs. :)

    I took diet pills once- lost 20 pounds REAL fast. Stopped taking them- gained 20 + pounds REAL fast.

    Never did that again. Good on you. :)

  31. That PSA was scary. Great post.

  32. Yeah, I really don't understand preferring "oily discharge" over being overweight. I mean, really? When there's a way you can lose the weight without the oily discharge?

  33. LMAO! Love it. Nice to see the little guys back again. :)
