
Friday, May 21, 2010

New And Noteworthy (Another W.I.D.T.H. Collection)

Truth to tell, I never envisioned the kind of response I've gotten when I asked for folks to send me their reasons (via note card or reasonable facisimale) for losing weight and/or getting more healthy. They came pouring in, and there's been a steady stream of them ever since. I don't know about you, but I find them wonderfully inspirational, so much raw emotion boiled down to a tiny little card. Thanks for everyone who has contributed so far and everyone who's going to send me one in the very near future *hint hint*. Email your note (along with a blog link if you want it included) to


  1. Here I was wondering if I just dreamed that...Thanks for doing this Jack. I mean Mr. Sh*t. It's been wonderful to see.

  2. ^^^ Yours made me LOL ... I love crossed eyes! ><

    and Joe's ... every Dad's fear ... :)

  3. JS, tears at my heart! I am doing a post next Wednesday talking about your WITDH. Stop by & let us know how it has effected you cause I know it has me... today, that one... brought tears to my eyes & I think you know which one I am talking about...

    Thx so much JS!

  4. Thanks for posting Jack! Sorry I was a pain in the ass. :) I know you loves me anyway!

  5. I found my I can send one.

  6. Amazing, what a great idea. So touching.
