
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More Weight-Loss iPhone Apps

  • App that screams at you in Spanish if you try to order cheese dip

  • App that squirts you in the face with pepper spray if you go three
 days without blogging

App that automatically calculates how many calories are in those 100-
calorie packs
  • Phone bill fat monitor
  • App that provides impressive fake heart rate number so other people at the 
gym will be impressed

  • App that features 100,000 recipes that taste horrible
  • App that emits deafening siren when it senses you’re trying to order at a drive-thru window

App that gives you marathon-running advice, such as "whatever you do, for God’s sake,
 don't run in a marathon!”
  • App that lets you tape a popscicle stick to the back of your iPhone and pretend it’s a fudgescicle
  • App that tells you how many sit-ups you could have done if that TV show you really wanted to watch hadn’t been on
  • App that makes you forget what pie tastes like

App that wirelessly hooks up to your scale, transfers your weight to
your computer then automatically transfers the number to your computer’s trash can
  • App that turns your iPhone into a ThighMaster

  • App that calculates calories burnt tweeting
  • App that exercises for you


  1. I text so much I should burn thumb calories no doubt!!

    I just started following you yesterday. I've been blogging for a few months now, started a low carb diet about a month ago. Maybe someday i'll have 1100 friends lol I have 20 and *that* feels like alot of blogs to keep up on! Chat again soon.

  2. I need that pie taste app. Would that perhaps be the one that requires I use my tongue to charge the phone?

  3. Oh, I like JourneyBeyondSurvival's idea!

  4. What about the app that says "one thousand and one, one thousand and two, one thousand and three... you're the push-up champ" when a hot girl walks by you...

  5. I'm checking my Droid market right now to see if some of those apps are available!

  6. with these ideas you could be very rich my friend :-)

  7. Good thing I don't have one of them dang phone things! :-)

  8. I hope these are all free Aps!!!

  9. I need te one for calories burned tweeting. Hope they make that into an android app as well. ;)

  10. ...because an iPhone can do ANYTHING. Including live our lives for us!

  11. yeah, I'll take the app. that makes me forget what pie (or any sweet indulgence) tastes like!

  12. Good ideas you got there! :)

  13. What if you just swallowed the iphone whole and let it sit in your belly?
    That would suppress the appetite!

  14. Too funny...I could use pretty well all of those apps:) lol

  15. i bet someone, somewhere is actually working on making some of these real apps!

  16. App that calculates how much Fiber you have to eat to flush out that donut.....

  17. I like the message on your hand...

  18. Heh, someone was telling me just the other day how awesome I-phones are. If it had all these apps I'd jump on the train. Funny list. Now...accept my award!! That's least you can do for sending little Nacho Libre guy to my house...he's taken over. lmao. j/k

  19. because pink is secretly your favourite colour. ;)

  20. LOL! Gee, you must really hate getting awards. Wasn't expecting you to follow my blog...but hey, that's cool. lmao!

  21. How about an App that knows the GPS coordinates for every high calorie venue you and automatically redirects your car in the opposite direction.

  22. I'd definitely like the one that makes me forget what my favorite bad foods taste like. That'd be sweet.

  23. sadly i dont have anything that supports any kind of app... though id want some of those.

  24. I want the app that exercises for me.
