
Friday, February 19, 2010

I’m Sorry, Train… Is That Right? Train? Really?

Hey, hey, hey…

I follow Katie J, she blogs over at Katie J is On Her Way.
There’s LAF at Walk in Loveliness and Enz at Downward Trenz… they blow my mind.
Their weight-loss treks, the way they’re gettin’ rid of their turkey necks, you see.
I know just what they swallow, they’re the ones I choose to follow, who’re some of my friends.

Hey scale sisters, you know Mr. Sh*tter–he keeps prayin’, for your weigh-in, the way it goes ain’t fair, you know!
Hey scale sisters, I don't want to miss a single day you weigh... okay?

Hey, hey, hey…

To my delight, I follow Jasmine over at Eat Move Write, you see.
And then there’s my pal Marcelle, her posts always are swell, I can’t deny.
I’m so obsessed–Linda, Kat and Syl are just the best.
I believe in them–like Mike Tyson, they’re fighters, and as dieters they will blow your mind.

Hey scale sisters, you know Mr. Sh*tter–he keeps prayin’, for your weigh-in, the way it goes ain’t fair, you know!
Hey scale sisters, I don't want to miss a single day you weigh...okay?

Hey, hey, hey…

Kaitlin is great for me, not to mention my pal screwdestiny.
HLG's so awesome, believe me matey, Anonymous Fat Girl and a thinner Katie.
You see, they all just like my family, I want ‘em to be the best that they can be .
They’re gonna do it, you see. I guarantee!

Hey scale sisters, you know Mr. Sh*tter–he keeps prayin’, for your weigh-in, the way it goes ain’t fair, you know!
Hey scale sisters, I don't want to miss a single day you weigh...okay?
Hey, hey, hey…


Note: I've been getting so much link love lately that I felt like I needed to pass it forward. These are just a few of the awesome weight-loss stories I follow, and I plan to share more with you in the not-too-distant future.



  1. Wow that is awesome! Your blogs never cease to blow my mind!!!

  2. Some of those are my blogging buddies, too. :o) The others I'll check out on your recommendation.

  3. I feel famous, this truly made me my morning.

    Thanks Jack!

  4. Thanks for the shout out Jack! You know how much I like your blog too. :)

    -Bobbie (aka The Anonymous Fat Girl)

  5. Aww, thanks Jack!!! I have to say, I feel famous too! =) This is just the pick up I needed for today. =)

  6. thanks for the love Jack :-) I'm obsessed with you too :0) in fact I gathered my whole family around the lap top to read your notes post...

  7. Excellent. I love posts like this and almost always discover a new blog to follow. Thanks!

  8. love the way you took the train lyrics and adapted them to your own life... very creative!!!

  9. Pay it forward, that's the best way to thank someone!

    And now, I have some new bloggies to follow!

  10. Ahhhhhhhh I'm so happy to hear you see me as YOUR pal!!!

    Such an awesome blog entry...
    You getting far too clever these days.

    Please excuse me if you dont see me around for the next 5 weeks...
    Will keep my blog updated.
    The only bad thing about Africa is the internet is soooooooo expensive.

  11. Hey! I got so excited when I read "Kat". But. it wasn't me. Booo! Still love you anyway!!!

  12. Those are some great reads!

    (Although "I know just what they swallow" made me choke a bit!)

  13. Train? Oh gawd, I feel so old. Great link love, tho!

  14. Thanks for the links, I will have to check them out!

  15. XOXOX Thank YOU my friend!

    P.S. I will refrain from commenting about what I swallow ;-)

  16. You always have something clever up you sleeves. Love it as always!

  17. So, I didn't know this song. And I listened to it, and this must have been a hard one to parody. Good job! And thanks for the shout-out. My blog isn't even that cool, but I appreciate it. :)

  18. So many amazing people in blog world!!!! Thx!

  19. I have no idea if that is train or not...but cute song.

  20. yep, great job Jack! :)

  21. I don't know how you keep coming up with this stuff. But, I sure am enjoying it. :)

  22. Big smooches, Jack "You blow my mind"... thanks for the shout out! ;)

  23. aw! I was totally joking, but thanks for being so lovely about it! :-)

  24. Yay! THis is great! I love finding new blogs to get obsessed with. ;)

  25. Thank you for the shout out. I really expected it to be another "Kat" when I clicked. You are amazing in many ways...:-) I like your light entries, but I love your "kick in the butt" entries. You help me more than you know.

  26. I wanted a poem to match your wit...
    but who could compete with Jack Sh*t, Getting Fit?

    A comment you left on my blog, so sweet
    It made me all tingly from my head to my feet

    Or maybe those tingles came from pants, too tight?
    (I want on your blog roll... that list to the right.)

    I came to your blog to say thank you for posting..
    With a clink and a wink, it's to Jack I'm toasting!

    So stop by my blog, anytime, anyday
    we'll be fast friends, I'm certain to say

    I must go for now, there's no time to spare...
    Next time I'll bring popcorn and pull up a chair...

    I'll read your blog, from front page to back...
    and with that I'll finish, "good luck to you Jack!"

    sorry for the uber chees-i ness in my poem but I wrote it while "working" so didn't have a lot of time! Thanks for posting on my blog and I'm going to add you to my blog roll. I've only been able to read two of your posts but you've already cracked me up, and it's a Monday morning.


  27. Oooh. That's so cute! What an awesome way to pay tribute to successes.
