
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Advice From People Smarter Than Me

I try to parcel out weight-loss and fitness advice every now and then, but it’s hard for me to do with a straight face all the time.

I really have to fight off the natural urge to say something along the lines of “If you don’t think you can manage a low-carb diet, start off with a low-crab diet and go from there.”

Luckily, I have friends that are way smarter than me and willing to share their wisdom over here. I asked them to boil down their best advice in a super-concentrated burst of extra-potent perspicacity.

Here’s what they have to say…
  • “As I journeyed to lose 158 pounds, I learned that it’s important to learn to say ‘no’. Saying ‘yes’ to cakes and pies is easy, but learning to say ‘no’ to foods you don’t want or need is very freeing and empowering.” –Diane from Fit to the Finish
  • “If you keep going on & off a ‘diet’ (which by the way is NOT a lifestyle change for life), you’ll never learn to ‘listen’ or understand your body and how it reacts to certain food choices AND exercise. I have been able to keep this up so long and keep it off because I LISTEN TO MY BODY AND MAKE CHANGES BASED ON WHAT MY BODY AND LIFE ARE TELLING ME. Each choice I’ve made is one I know I can live with lifelong or until my bod tells me otherwise.” – Jody from Truth2BeingFit
  • “If I could pass along one ‘here’s the answer to all the fitness/healthy living stuff that ails ya’ tip, it would be simply one word: CONSISTENCY. The key for both losing and maintaining is moving. Consistently. Every day. Day in day out. Year in year out. People consistently ask me how many hours I workout a day and seem not to want to believe how little exercise I do (30 minutes pretty much every day, ranging from traditional exercise to vigorous dance parties with my daughter). I am simply consistent and that, in my opinion, is the key. I move every day. In some fashion. No matter how busy I am. No matter what else is happening in my life. No matter what silly form my movement may need to take to squeeze it in. Day in day out. Year in year out. Consistently.”– Carla from MizFit
  • “The two most important elements for success? Self-honesty and consistency. You have to be very real with yourself and your habits. You have to accept responsibilty for every choice you make. Understanding the power of a choice is so critical---when you realize this, get super honest with yourself---and protect your journey by giving it a super high importance level---and realize consitency is key. Well, how can you fail? You can't. Success is yours for the taking!” – Sean Anderson from The Daily Diary of a Winning Loser
  • “I have tons of advice but it would start by "eating clean," which basically is combining complex carbs/proteins and eating six times a day. This keeps the metabolism from crashing, prevents hunger, & provides fuel for the body. When the body is working at it's peak, you want it to utilize the fat for energy and not muscle. Also, especially for women they need to add weight training at least 2x a week along with cardio into their exercise program.”–Shannon from Shannigans
  • “Find an activity you love and know you will stick with. If you hate running on a treadmill, you won't do it. Love dancing? Enroll in a dance class. Boxing? Go to a boxing ring. Fitness is creative and FUN!” –Alison Foster from Foster Fitness
  • “I discovered the sure path to permanent weight loss is to find out why you eat and solve that. Otherwise, that wicked "why" comes back to haunt you like bad Halloween candy hiding in your sock drawer. Once solved, that "why" will leave your life and take the bad candy with it.” –Pat Barone, "America's Weight Loss Catalyst"
  • “Typical NY resolution: massive changes and maybe a cleanse diet. Embrace logic instead: make small changes that you can live with forever” –David Kirchhoff, President & CEO, Weight Watchers Intl (and a Lifetime Member), plus a little blogging at Man Meets Scale
You would probably have figured it out on your own, but this is a wonderful collection of health and fitness resources, people who regularly provide insightful information and informational insights. I strongly encourage you to follow the links and check them out for yourself.



  1. Great links, Jack. I follow Diane on a regular basis.

  2. What a cool idea for a post. And I love all the MrLinkys.

  3. For me, saying "no" is almost harder than running five miles.

    This is great advice! Thanks for the links.

  4. Thanks for these tips!! I have yet to get motivated and have managed to pile on yet another, 14 pounds since June! If this doesn't stop I'll be wheeling around in a chair soon!!

  5. I *love* this post . . . snippets of wisdom from some of the very best.

    Also: I follow a pretty much NO-crab diet. Do you think that is too extreme??

  6. You know...most of these are just plain commone sense. But all are so good.

    How many times did I search for the magic formula? But there isn't one. Just the simplicity of making a significant change and sticking with it.

    Great post, Jack. You do have some smart friends.

  7. What a great helpful post! Thanks for the links to!

  8. These are fabulous. You're the best, Jack!

  9. Great advice from great folks, thanks for putting that together for us Jack.

  10. I read most of them, but thanks for the links to a few i don't! Theres alot of great blogs and a world of resource!

  11. That was great, thanks for putting it together! Now I'm off to look into those great bloggers.

  12. some great quotes! thanks for doing that!

  13. Thanks for putting that all together. I've read a lot of those before through daily blog reading but there's something very powerful about seeing all that great advice in one place.

  14. The theme is most certainly consistency!

  15. What inspiring quotes! And all are right on the money. When you're not tuned in personally to those wisdoms, they kind of sound like blah, blah, blah, wah, wah, wah... But, once you've started the weight loss and fitness journey, it all kind of clicks and makes sense. Thanks for sharing those pearls!

  16. Good selection, dude! I likes it. If i had a printer i would print it out and stick it on my wall!

  17. Thanks for getting me connected to more inspiring people! I am honored to be there with them. :)

  18. Yay, new blogs to look into!

    And I had planned on some fat free seafood salad for lunch (on top of salad, because I love salad on my salad), but maybe I'll reconsider. I highly doubt that's low crab. :)

  19. Okay, that was great. Like a n expert symposium on weight loss. thanks :-)

  20. That is not the quote I gave you. I wrote "Do the low-crab diet".

  21. Thank you for sharing the quotes - and links! Some of these are blogs I'm already following, but others I weren't aware of until now, and I would have missed out by not knowing about them. :)

  22. It is an honor to be included in such elite company. Thank you Jack. You are simply one of the best!

    My best,

  23. Consistency. Right. Ok..I *know* this..but how on earth do I remember it??

    Oh wait! Jack has the answer to *that* as well..the ever beloved, never far from reach..POST -IT!

    Thanks (again) Jack!

  24. Jack, thank you so much for this post & including me. I am honored & humbled to be included with this cast of bloggers AND ones I did not know about. I am going to bookmark them all if I have not done so already!

    Great advice out there & great people.. You are one of them!!! Thx again!

  25. Jack - thank you for asking me to throw in my two cents. You are doing an awesome job yourself and are pretty smart!

  26. Thanks for including me in this post Jack! You've really brightened my 2009; I'll expect LESS of you in 2010!

    Pat Barone
    America's Weight Loss Catalyst

  27. You are right, they are way smarter than you.

  28. “Do it out of love, not punishment.”
    That definitely hit home. 2009 was the year when I finally realized that. And also that bit about doing what you love. I tried doing Capoeira and I enjoyed it. But I didn't LOVE it. So I stopped and decided to do Pilates again. And then I added Yoga. Now, those are two things I absolutely love to do.

  29. Jack thanks for posting this. Some great advice! :)

  30. Jack, thanks so much for asking, for the link and the quote. But I would never say I (or any of us) are smarter than you. You have helped and inspired me SO much during this journey. You are the MAN.

    But I certainly love the linky love and being introduced to a big bunch of new inspiring folks.

    Happy New Year Jack and all of the amazing JackSh*t community you have created here.

  31. “Do it out of love, not punishment.”

    I really like this one. It is so true. Thanks for sharing all of this, Jack.

    During my journey I have gained a new respect for what my body is capable of. The cause and effect of proper nourishment and exercise is remarkable. (and..of course, the inverse is also true...a body can react quickly to improper nourishment and exercise) I have truly learned to respect my body SO much more than ever before. I hope this will help me once it comes time for maintenance!

  32. That was a really good post for me to read today. I started working again this week for until I go back to school and it was such a shocker how tired I was at the end and the trouble it was for me to find motivation to exercise. Therefore, I really liked the 30 minutes a day quote. Sometimes I think if I can't workout for an hour or an hour and a half it isn't worth it- I really need to remember it is the little things that count and this post helped me remember that!

  33. The tip from Foster Fitness is one of my favorites. So many people say they hate exercise, but I really don't believe you can hate all types of movement. So find something you like!

    Thanks for all the tidbits of wisdom. :)

  34. I don't know where my post went...cyber heaven I think...

    Anyway, thanks for the shout-out Jack! Anything "we" can do to help people gain control of their lives is my passion. Plus make them smile along the way....

  35. Jack, I posted a link to your blog on my blog, and added my own advice there.

    You can check it out here:

  36. Thanks for the advice and the links.
