
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Signs You’re Addicted to Weight Loss Blogging

  • Spouse knows easiest way to get hold of you is to leave a comment.
  • No one can eat until you’ve got the whole meal on the table and you’ve taken pictures of all the dishes.
  • You pay your internet bill before your rent or mortgage.
  • You forgot your child’s birthday, but you remembered to update your weight loss ticker.
  • Your vacation plans center around hotels that have high-speed wi-fi.
  • You can do a “word verification” in point three seconds.
  • You know what at least six people you don't know had for breakfast.
  • You’d rather lose a filling than lose a follower.
  • Anytime you see a photograph, you ask “Is this the before or after pic?”
  • You ask your doctor if he can give you something for “blogger’s block”?
  • You take a spectacular dump and think “I’ve got the subject for my next post…”
  • You get slightly aroused fiddling around with your blog layout.
  • You’ve started LOLing instead of laughing.
  • On Saturdays, you feel a little dead inside.
  • You hit “refresh” to see if anyone has left you a comment while you were reading the last comment someone left you.
  • You've already blogged about this post.


  1. lol. So true and so sad. It really IS addictive.

  2. Ha! I am LOLing at your clever post!!!

  3. Slightly aroused? I'm never just slightly aroused, especially when fiddling with my layout! ;)

  4. yep- I can relate! everyone knows to hold off on digging in until the pictures are taken! lol

    I started to tell my friend about some thing I had blogged about and she was like - :oh yeah, I read that in your blog." Guess I dont even have to chat with my friends now...they just read all about my life. lol

    :) greta post again Jack!

  5. Very cute, I can definitely relate too.

  6. Another good one (my son actually sometimes says "lol" - it makes me laugh out loud it does).

  7. I actually check my blogger dashboard before Facebook! So sad.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh my been Blog Peeping me!? Naughty, Jack. Very naughty.

  10. Kat - I'm with you . . . facebook and my regular email address have taken a back burner . . . sick.

  11. I think it is time we start a weight loss blogging club. Seems there are many of us :)

  12. You nailed several of mine. Does my laptop have a camera feeding info to Jack Sh*t??

  13. Have you been spying through my windows? How DO you know me so well?

    Frighteningly accurate, Mr. Sh*t. :)

  14. last night when I went for my walk, I found myself thinking in blog & html.. [ title: < b>Feelin' Great! < /b> ] < i>"Today I went for my 5 km walk, tunes were on, feeling great..." < /i> wishing i had my camera with me to take pics along the way, insert left justified.. i'm sick, I thought... then i found this.. thank you Jack.

    it's so nice to know I'm not alone in this world. :)

  15. hahaha this is just too funny and scarily accurate

  16. not that there's anything wrong with that!


  17. I haven't even been blogging very long and I'm guilty of many of those!

    Too funny!

  18. Shall we start our own anonymous support group? and make it an online class so we can still blog while in "recovery"?
    Sad thing is...I actually have said "LOL" aloud instead of laughing...
    Ok i admitted that. that's the first step, right?
    Loved this post!

  19. Oh dear. I've only just begun and already more than a few of those are true for me.

  20. You remember your blogging anniversary before you remember your wedding anniversary...

  21. When the spouse starts taking pictures of meals for you ... Husband did that last week. It tripped me out.

  22. Sadly, I will never have a problem with:
    •You ask your doctor if he can give you something for “blogger’s block”?

    I can always chatter about something--and do.

  23. Random everyday occurrences prompt your spouse to ask, "You're not going to put this on the internet, are you?"

  24. My partner calls you all my fake friends. You're not fake, are you?

  25. Oh lord! They all apply to me. Is there help available?

  26. My name is Lila & I am a blogoholic.

  27. HA! The first two are pretty right on for me.

  28. Ha ha!!!! So true, I probably need blog addiction therapy, although, I fear my case is likely hopeless ;)

  29. WOW... this is hillarious. I love it. I think the scariest of them all is that I know what six random people ate for not only breakfast, but for lunch, dinner, snacks, and desserts. I think I have a problem... thanks for pointing it out :)

  30. My fvorite threat these days: "I'll blog you."

  31. Jack, I only hit the refresh button to check if maybe YOU left me a comment! *please, oh, please, oh please!* ;)

  32. I do wonder though if there are clinics out there for bloggers anonymous.....

  33. LOL. LOL. Are you Jack Tw*t Getting Fit on Twitter?

  34. Hilarious! And I'm sooooo guilty of some of these!

    Might as well face it, I'm addicted to blog.

  35. Hey, I resemble those remarks!
    Two thumbs up!!

  36. Every time I mention a "friend" my boyfriend asks me "facebook or blog ... and have you ever actually MET them?"

  37. That's me to a T! I'm forever making notes about things to blog and tweet about!

  38. It's especially bad when you refer to other weight loss bloggers as your "friends". As in, while telling a story to other people about something, you grab an example from a blogger and refer to them as your friend.

    I gotta stop that.

  39. I must say, I am happy to know I am not the only blogger that is completely addicted to other peoples dieting blogs. I am addicted to weight loss and I think I need help! :)

  40. Weight loss is no joke. It's everywhere. Everyone wants to do it. And everyone's talking about it. Weight loss is the "in" thing. I think :P

  41. Oh my heck! I've done a bunch of these!
